Crossover History Wikia

Fire at the bad guys!
Alien Hominid manual

Alien Gun is a weapon from the Alien Hominid series. It is a green laser gun that is Alien Hominid's main weapon.


Alien Hominid brought the Alien Gun while he was traveling on his spaceship. He used the gun to fight against secret agents who worked for the American or Russian governments.

In the original flash, he could pick up power-ups in jerry cans to upgrade the gun. In the console release, Fat Kids could give Alien Hominid power-ups when he approached them.

Castle Crashers[]

The Alien Gun appears as a weapon in Castle Crashers. It is used by enemy Aliens and can only be used by Alien players. In the Xbox 360 version, it can be unlocked by completing one achievement on Alien Hominid and then completing the Home Caste and Castle Keep levels. In the PlayStation 3 version and Castle Crashers Remastered, it can be unlocked alongside the Alien after beating the Alien Ship level. It reappears in Castle Crashers Remastered, where it gained the ability to set enemies on fire.