Forza Horizon 3
Quartz Regalia- With its massive heft, intricate body details, and luxurious interior, the Regalia is a unique addition to the world of Forza Horizon 3. The team at Square Enix found inspiration for the Regalia's design from real-world models like the Cadillac Ciel concept car and the Maybach Exelero. In Forza Horizon 3, the car's size (nearly 21 feet long and seven feet wide) make it a cruiser's delight. Take it for a slow-burn drive through downtown Surfers Paradise, or hit the Aussie freeway in the Outback and push that 7.2-liter supercharged V12 (offering up 536 hp) to its limit. The Regalia gives Forza Horizon 3 players the chance to experience true automotive royalty. Where you take it is up to you!
Warthog- The 2554 AMG Transport Dyn…
Fire Emblem Warriors
Chrom-"A hero from the world of Fire Emblem Awakening, Chrom is the eldest son of the Ylissean royal family and Lissa's older brother. As captain of the Shepherds, Chrom fights bravely for justice and peace, although he's still learning how to temper his reckless tendencies on the battlefield. In combat, Chrom uses ancient sword techniques passed down through the Ylissean royal family and wields the legendary blade Falchion."
Lissa-A hero from the world of Fire Emblem Awakening. She is a princess of the Halidom of Ylisse. She is the youngest of the Ylissean royal family and a member of the Shepherds. Her immaturity shows through in her love of pranks, but she has a kind heart. Enemies recoil when she swings her axe--and herself--in circles.…
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Kevin Smith-"Kevin has been catapulted into Rave in the Redwoods by Willard Wyler. Left for dead and forgotten by the reclusive director, Kevin has a different plan. Escape this film any way he can and make Willard pay for what he’s put him through. With the help of our four heroes, together they might be able to put an end to the madness in the Redwoods."
Donkey Kong-Kaos is back with his most sinister weapon yet – the Doomstation of Ultimate Doomstruction powered by The Darkness itself! Fortunately, a special team of Skylanders known as the SuperChargers has been assembled to pilot an incredible fleet of vehicles with the power to travel through the destruction – over land, sea, and sky! But with Skylands on the verge of collapse, the Skylanders have reached out across all dimensions to call for reinforcements. Answering the call is the most unexpected duo – Donkey Kong and Bowser! Using their own elite vehicles to magically travel between worlds, they have joined the epic battle against Kaos and The Darkness!
Bowser-Kaos is back with his most sinister weapon yet – the Doomstation of Ultima…
Hot Shots Golf: World Tour
Kuro-Kuro is a character from Toro's Friend Network™. Suitable for intermediate players. Kuro is skilled at spin, bunker shots. He also prefers draw shots.
Toro-Toro is a character from Toro's Friend Network™. Suitable for beginners. Straight shot and spinning become easier, but distance decreases a little.
Kat-Gravity Rush™ game's Kat hits the greens in Hot Shots Golf World Invitational. Taking a break from floating towns and manipulating gravity, Kat defies logic with maximum spin impact on her swings.
Monster Hunter World
Ryu-A ticket for a special Street Fighter tie-in. Wait... does that mean that legendary fighter is going to...?!
Sakura-A Street Fighter V collaboration ticket. Wait, that female fighter is also going to hunt monsters?!
Ein-「Phantom of Inferno」より、メインヒロインのアインが参戦。 ナイフを使った戦いを得意とする、機動力の高いキャラクターだ。飛び道具・対空攻撃と、所持している必殺技のバランスが良い。 素早い動きを生かして、連続技を叩き込め!
Mora-「吸血殲鬼ヴェドゴニア 」より参戦のモーラ。 大きなハンマーによる打撃は、当り負けしない強さを持つ。小さな体で相手の懐に入り込み、ガンガン攻め込もう。 対空技「デッドライジング」は強力だ
Ruili-「鬼哭街」より、瑞麗 【ルイリー】の登場。 実際に戦うのは、手となり足となる頼れる兄様だ。構えをとってから発動できる音速の必殺技を軸に戦う。体の大きさを生かしたダイナミックな戦い方で相手を翻弄せよ!
Natsumi-「"Hello, world." 」からは奈都美が参戦だ。 本当に戦えるのか? という、引け腰での戦闘スタイル。だが、ペットロボットのキューちゃんや、和樹の協力があれば他のヒロイン達に引けはとらないぞ! ニトロワでは数少ない、タメ系コマンド中心のキャラクターだ。
Al-「デモンベイン」シリーズより、最強の魔導書「アル・アジフ」が参戦。 「クトゥグァ」「イタクァ」などの強力な魔術攻撃に、当身技・捕縛技も使いこなす。多彩な手数で翻弄し、怒りの「大爆発」で相手を吹き飛ばせ! デモンベインを招喚するリーブアタックは超強力!
Saya-「沙耶の唄」より、ヒロインの沙耶が参戦。 変形自在で、予期せぬ場所から攻撃をしかけることができるぞ。 本当の姿がチラチラと見え隠れして、ビジュアル的にもショッキングだ。 「肉塊」を地面に置いて戦えば相手にとって脅威となること間違いなし!
Henri-天使ノ二挺拳銃」からは、ヒロインのアンリが登場。 他…
Warriors All-Stars
Zhao-忠義に篤く、誠実な若武者。 乱世に仕えるべき主を求め各地を歴訪した末に、劉備の人柄に惚れ込み臣下となる。後に、蜀の五虎大将に数えられる。性格は穏やかだが、戦場では大軍に対し単騎で斬り込むほどの闘志を示す。
Oka-“鬼”を討つ鬼たる、モノノフの一人。 凛々しく清廉な女性。並外れた腕を持つ太刀の使い手で、所属するウタカタの里では、右に出る者がいない。守るべきもののためなら、命を投げ出すこともいとわない堅い信念の持ち主。
Sophie-キルヘン・ベルの街はずれでアトリエを営んでいる錬金術士。 明るくほわっとした性格で周りを和ませるが、時間にルーズであるなど、ずぼらなことも多い。錬金術が大好きで、人のために使うことに大きな喜びを感じている。
Yukimura-信濃の豪族・真田家の若武者。 もののふとしての信義を重んじ、たとえ困難な状況にあっても己の信じた道を貫こうとする。真面目で清廉だが、内には激しい闘志を秘めている。
Ryu-隼一族の忍者。『龍の一族』の末裔。 激しい戦闘経験を通して体得してきた武力、そして胆力は既に常人が及ばざる域に達している。どんな時も平常心を失わず達観しているが、その胸の内には熱いものを秘めている。
Hajime-帝国軍の対怨霊討伐組織、精鋭分隊の隊長。23歳。 怨霊討伐において、帝国軍内で右に出る者はいない。軍人らしく、めったに笑顔を見せない高潔な人物。決断が早く、迅速果敢な行動をとる。龍神の神子を守護する役目を担っている。
Kasumi-伝統ある忍者一門、「霧幻天神流忍術天神門」の継承者。 ある事件をきっかけに里を捨て「抜け忍」となったため、里に帰れぬばかりか、命を狙われる過酷な日々が続く。高速に繰り出される華麗かつ多彩な攻撃はもはや防ぎきれるものではな…
Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
Ragna-Known on the streets as the Grim Reaper and an SS-class traitor, the one in possession of the most powerful grimoire with the highest-ever bounty in history on his head.
Jin-A swordsman hailed as the "Hero of Ikaruga." Calm and collected, he doesn't involve himself in others' affairs, yet still excels as a leader.
Noel-A girl with a battle prowess and magical ability that towers above the rest. She pretends to be collected, but is actually quite lonely.
Rachel-Cultured, knowledgeable, and calm, yet haughty, domineering, and self-centered. She almost never takes action on her own, and is almost always attended by her companions Nago and Gii.
Tager-By the scientist Kokonoe's hand he was revived as a cyborg. Those around him call him the Re…
Character List
Super Smash Bros.
Super Mario Maker
Sega Superstars
Dengeki Bunko
Street Fighter
Marvel vs Capcom
Capcom vs SNK
Namco X Capcom
Project X Zone
Street Fighter X Tekken
Namco High
Taiko no Tetsujin
The King of Fighters
Neo Geo Battle Coliseum
SNK Gals Fighters
SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy
Samurai Shodown
Queen's Gate: Spiral Chaos
Million Arthur: Arcana Blood
Final Fantasy: Brace Exvius
Power Wash Simulator
DreamMix TV World Fighters
TV Anime: Fairy Tail Gekitou! Madoushi Kessen
Ubisoft All-Star Blast
Blazblue: Cross Tag Battle
Nitroplus Blasterz: Infinite Heroine Duel
Senran Kagura
Super Heroine Chronicle
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Mei
Heroes Phantasia
Nendoroid Generation
Sunday vs Magazine: Shūketsu! Chōjō Daikessen
Warriors All-Stars
Funko Pop Blitz
Cannon Spike
Charlie-Charlie came from the U.S. army to support Cammy with his cool judgement. He is from the Street Fighter Alpha series.
King Arthur-Arthur is a veteran mercenary. Due to his massive firepower, he is considered a one-man army. His gunlance "Excalibur" is extremely powerful. Arthur accompanies Simone and acts as her guardian. Arthur is from the Ghosts and Goblins series.
Cammy White-Cammy, who possesses deadly fighting skills, is a soldier from a notorious crime organization. She acts as a leader in most operations. Though relatively weak in power, she is extremely fast and agile. She is from the Super Street Fighter II series.
Baby Bonnie Hood-B.B. Hood is a young dark hunter. Though she is human, she has the same dark heart as darkstalk…
Quake Champions
BJ Blazkowicz-During World War II, William B.J. Blazkowicz was the top agent of the Office of Secret Actions (OSA), a joint American-British agency responsible of thwarting several occult research operations by the German war effort. When the notorious General Wilhelm “Deathshead” Strasse attempted to harness the power of the so-called “Black Sun Dimension,” B.J. entered the dreamlike realm to destroy the apparatus that would power Deathshead’s doomsday weapon. After an explosion sent B.J. into a coma for 14 years, he awoke to a world ruled by the Germans. B.J. vowed to revive the dormant resistance and overthrow their evil empire.
Doom Slayer-e UAC’s most remarkable discovery was in Hell’s Kadingir Sanctum. Surrounded by nearly impassable …
Catherine: Full Body
Joker-'Joker' from Persona 5 joins the roster of playable characters in Babel and Colosseum with this DLC. It includes special commentary from the Phantom Thieves in Babel and adds a special event that can only be seen in this game.
Move or Die
Glitch-Glitch is the logo of the popular gaming streaming platform Twitch. His entire life he was forced to just watch others play games while he had to just be a logo on the top of the page. "Enough!" he gestured, deciding to take part in a game himself just so he could experience what every streamer does daily.
Shovel Knight-After getting tired of fighting rats and various other enemies from creative scenarios in his own game, Shovel Knight decided to take a break and explore other games as well. He posted some ads in the newspaper and his attention was caught by Move or Die, a game in which he doesn't even need to use his shovel! Just perfect!
Valkyria Chronicles 3
Vyse-Vyse is a member of Squad 7. He has traveled all over the world with Aika in search of adventure. Rumor has it that Vyse and Aika came to Gallia from a faraway land. Vyse is always seeking the unknown and will not stop yammering once he starts talking about the sky. The half-goggle that he wears over his right eye is his trademark accessory. Vyse is skilled with both firearms and swords.
Aika-Aika is a member of Squad 7 who came to Gallia with Vyse. She is straight-forward and lively, to say the least. Despite all of her strengths and various positive qualities, Aika is terrified of ghosts and cockroaches. Though most people find her tomboyish braids quite charming, few know how beautiful and feminine she actually looks when she lets h…
Valkyria Chronicles
Vyse Inglebard-quad 7 shocktrooper, age 17. Together with Aika, he roams the globe seeking adventure. Rumor has it he hails from a nation far removed from Europa's shores. Bleak circumstances only excite him all the more, and luckily he has an iron will to see him through. Once he starts talking about the sky, he doesn't stop. He left the militia for parts unknown on a new adventure. No Gallian has seen him ever since he boarded a ship at a sleepy quay shrouded in morning fog.
2. Vyse has traveled the world and experienced many adventures with Aika. He originally hails from a land quite distant from the continent of Europa. Once Vyse starts talking about the sky, no force in the world can stop him. Vyse tends to get more excited when the od…
Elvira-Introducing PAIN's first female celebrity, Elvira! The Mistress of the Dark wears her Gothic gown to look her best in her special poses as you launch her in any PAIN environment and mode. And don't let this campy vamp cast a spell on you with her sassy humor, Elvira's plenty used to horrifying situations and can surely take some PAIN!
Fat Princess-You may recognize this launchable character from another PSN exclusive title, Fat Princess. Now that she's in our world though, she's not such a PAIN to move around! In fact, once you start launching her around, she'll prove herself capable of taking her fair share of ooches while posing with royal style.
George Takei-Guess who's in the PAIN launcher now... yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's th…
Blood Brothers 2
M. Bison-Bison's most recent extra-dimensional expedition shows that he knows no bounds.
Cammy-For someone so respectful and friendly, she sure does pack a punch.
Ryu-Though known as the Wanderer, none expected Ryu to wander into Arnashia.
Chun-Li-"The enemies here are unfamiliar, but I will bring them justice all the same."
Rivals of Aether
Ori-Ori and Sein bring their abilities learned throughout Ori and the Blind Forest and put them to the test in Rivals of Aether. While Ori works to Bash, Stomp and Glide his way to victory, Sein can use the Spirit Flame or the Charged Flame to put enemies between a rock and a hard place.
Shovel Knight-Shovel Knight has learned a lot during his titular adventures and he brings those skills with him to Rivals of Aether. Shovel Knight swings, digs and shovel drops his way through the Rivals roster. He does it all while collecting treasure which he can use to purchase upgrades to give him the upper hand on the battlefield.
Starlink: Battle for Atlas
Fox-Ace pilot and leader of the Star Fox Team, Fox McCloud is the legendary defender of the Lylat star system. Fox came to Atlas in pursuit of Wolf O'Donnell and his crew, and he has teamed up with the Starlink Initiative in their fight against Grax and the Forgotten Legion. Exclusively on Nintendo Switch.
Falco-Falco Lombardi is the ace pilot of Star Fox and knows it. Courageous and bold, he skillfully takes on the most dangerous missions and never hesitates to put everything on the line to protect the team. Available this April on Nintendo Switch.
Slippy-Slippy Toad is an inventor and engineer personally responsible for the development of technology used in the defense of Corneria. A competent pilot and loyal friend, his ever cheerful deme…
Dead by Daylight
Leatherface-Whether killers perform their heinous acts by the compulsions of their diseased minds, or if they are forced into them by external pressures, has long been a matter of debate. But for one killer, nature and nurture are inextricably linked.
Leatherface kills not from a desire to exert his will over others, to satisfy carnal urges, or even to quiet the voices in his head. He kills because he is scared. Scared that others will hurt him; scared that his family will be displeased with him, scared that their shared willingness to eat human flesh will be discovered.
He does as he is told. His family loves him and that is all that matters. Outsiders are a threat, and threats need to be dealt with.
Like those kids that came into the house,…
Mario Kart DS
R.O.B.-"Robotic Operating Buddy, to give R.O.B. his full name, has come out of retirement to take up a new career as a Mario Kart driver - and a strong one at that. But you'll be lucky if you catch sight of him, as he's notoriously elusive..."
Pac-Man Fever
Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man-There's superstar Pac-Man and of course, Ms. Pac-Man who have been on a strict diet of fruit while training intensely for the big day.
Heihachi and Tiger-And look, there's Heihachi and cool dude, Toger from Tekken. These guys are tough!
Astaroth-That axe-wielding Astaroth from Soul Calibur sure adds a bit menace to the whole event doesn't he?
Reiko-And there's that hot driver Reiko from Ridge Racer 4. She always looks like a winner. This promises to be a wild competition.
Onimusha Blade Warriors
MegaMan.EXE-MegaMan EXE is a navigator installed in the PET (PErsonal Terminal) that Lan got from his father. Little is known about his specific abilities, only that he has limitless untapped potential.
Mega Man Zero-
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing
Sonic-Sonic is the world's fastest hedgehog, capable of running at the speed of sound (768 mph). His other abilities include a "Spin Attack", a "Spin Dash" and his "Super Sonic" transformation which makes him indestructible and gives him the gift of run-flight. Sonic is not an expert swimmer, but is fearless – even of Dr. Eggman. Alongside his best friend Tails, Sonic runs around the world stopping Dr. Eggman's schemes. He drives the Speed Star – a car built by his friend Tails – it helps to make a fair race as no one can beat Sonic on foot.
Tails-Tails is a two-tailed yellow fox, equally at home on the ground, in the air or in the water. He's super-smart and likes nothing better than inventing and fixing planes, cars and all things mechani…
Metal Slug XX
Ralf Jones-Ralf is Clark's old amis-de-guerre, and they've been attached at the hip in every hot spot throughout the globe since either can remember. Ralf's unofficial participation in a certain fighting contest is now legend, and his abilities at hand-to-hand battles can only be described as superhuman.
Clark "Still"-Clark has been in his military squad since time immemorial, but his past is one big question mark. Those unfortunate enough to meet up with him in battle soon find themselves airborne, followed by a hellpess plummet to earth for a face-first meeting with the ground.
Leona-In terms of close-quarters-combat, Leona is the most talented of the seven fighters. Not only is she a master of CQC, but second to nobody in handling firear…
Left 4 Dead monsters in Cabin In The Woods
[IAmDrewGoddard] Reddit 7 years ago We actually were going to do a downloadable L4D2 expansion pack, where you'd fight in the Cabin world, but then MGM went bankrupt so the delay squashed it. But the people at Valve were still cool enough to let us use some of their monsters to fill the cubes in the background (I had a lot of cubes to fill.)
R-Type Final
Mr. Heli-Developed to scout asteroids. The propeller works not only intra-atmosphere., but also in space by using cosmic dust to generate force.
OF-1 Daedalus-First unit equipped with a Cyber Connector able to enter and exit the atmosphere. When changing speeds, it transforms for stability. Excess energy after transforming is emitted from the rear. This has been confirmed as a useful weapon and skilled pilots have been known to attack with it during combat.
R-11B Peace Maker-A variation of the R-11. Slated for use in metropolitan areas, minimizing danger to civilians was a priority. One method for achieving this was equipping the craft with a Lock-On Wave Cannon.
Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny
Kratos (Japanese)-In a dreary underground library, a man sought to discover forbidden texts which would grant him power. This man was a survivor of Fygul Cestemus, a religious cult which had been recently pushed to the edge of total destruction by the golem known as Astaroth.
Rather than uniting, survivors had turned against each other, each seeking to gain higher authority over the remnants of the cult. This man desired the power to take revenge on the rebelling giant and then rebuild the organization under his own authority, his status of power being above all others.
He finally came across an ancient text, which held information to perform a ritual which was said to summon an ancient god known as Kratos. According to legends, in the battle…
Soul Calibur IV
Yoda-A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....
Jedi Master Yoda, who was considered by some to be a living legend, remained hidden on the planet Dagobah in order to evade persistent pursuers after the rise of the Empire. For many years Yoda had lived on that planet of mud and swampland. One day, he noticed a faint wave of power that shook the very foundations of the universe. He looked up into the sky to try and see what was happening, but had no means of discerning it.
The wave of power was weak and quickly became undetectable. Though it had been an unmistakable disturbance, he surmised that it was not a huge problem. The movements of the Galactic Empire were of more concern. The Empire had taken control of the galaxy, and many suffered…
Mortal Kombat 11
Terminator-The Terminator T-800 from “Terminator: Dark Fate” is a cyborg assassin, sent back in time from a post-apocalyptic future. He is nearly indestructible and possesses superior technology, fighting skills and artificial intelligence making him the ultimate killing machine.
Robocop-Alex Murphy was a dutiful police officer who was brutally executed by a local gang. Brought back to life through OCP technology, Murphy was transformed into RoboCop, a highly advanced cybernetic police officer designed to uphold the law and protect the innocent. Now entering the Mortal Kombat universe, RoboCop has received a few upgrades and is ready to serve the public by apprehending any Kombatants that stand in his way.
The Joker-Unpredictable, violent an…
Injustice: Gods Among Us
Aquaman-Born to a human father and Atlantean mother, the hybrid Arthur Curry is the rightful heir to the throne of Atlantis, and has sworn to protect the surface world against the monstrous dangers of the deep. Aquaman (Flashpoint)-With his father murdered by Atlantean agents, Arthur Curry was brought to Atlantis. Having never been raised with lessons of compassion, Aquaman is now as a tyrant at war with Wonder Woman and her Amazons.
Aquaman (Blackest Night)-Upon finding his final resting place on land, the Black power ring resurrects Aquaman and several of his deceased Atlantean allies. At the conclusion of Blackest Night, Aquaman and several others are fully resurrected.
Ares-The Greek god of war, Ares thrives on conflict. Thus, he does eve…
Injustice 2
Batman-Even after he’s been exposed to the world as Batman, Bruce Wayne keeps his vow to avenge his parents’ death by fighting for justice. He refuses to execute his enemies, believing that once he crosses that line, he’s no better than the cowards he battles.
Superman-After the fall of the Regime, Superman now remains a permanent resident of a prison built to contain and suppress the man of steel. Still grieving the loss of Lois and their unborn son, Superman maintains that peace can only be achieved through subjugation -- But as a new threat looms, can old enemies forge new alliances?
Wonder Woman-An exiled sister of Themyscira, Wonder Woman remains in hiding after the fall of the Regime. Still an ardent believer of Superman and his rule, …
Anarchy Reigns
Jack-Jack Cayman is ex-military special forces, an expert in all forms of combat, and an infamous Chaser. The Chaser Guild is a private organization that deals with cases regular police are not prepared to handle; kidnappings, disappearences, and fugitice apprehension.
Nearly 75% of Jack’s body has been retrofitted with cybernetic parts, including his right arm, eyes, and skeleton. Combined with already superhuman strength and a vicious, double-bladed chainsaw mounted directly on his arm, Jack’s fighting abilities are unmatched.
Once the heaviest of chain smokers, Jack quit after a request from his only daughter.
Blacker Baron-The Blacker Baron is a bounty hunter who specializes in bringing marks back dead. He has a long history with Jack and…
Under Night In-Birth
Eltnum-A mysterious girl who is said to have saved a city from a dark vampire, once upon a time… At least, in appearance. Aside from the fact that she calls herself “Eltnum”, no one knows anything about this character. She suddenly appeared in the dark night, and then returned to darkness equally as fast, earning her the title of “Wanderer”. The Night of a city, which she claims to be her territory. It has become her mission to educate the young rookies in the strict ways of her industry.
Akatsuki-A mysterious man who suddenly appeared in modern day. He was tasked with an important mission, and seeks to see it through unbeknownst to many. Awakened from his deep sleep, the landscape spread before him was, shall we say, foreign. In a world he…
Elevator Action Deluxe
Reika-The second guest character is Reika from TIME GAL. Use her cute outfits to distract and defeat your enemies!
Sayo-The first guest character is Sayo from KIKIKAIKAI, with classic music and sound effects! Use her purification rod and red hakama to steal documents and escape!
Vaus-The fourth ELEVATOR ACTION DELUXE guest character is Vaus from ARKANOID! Enjoy the original music and sound effects and be prepared for unexpected adventures!
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
NiGHTS-NiGHTS is a Nightmaren from the dream world of Nightopia. Unlike most Nightmarens, NiGHTS enjoys freedom and playing around without a care in the world. Coming back once again as a SEGA guest character, NiGHTS is as mischievous as ever.
Amigo-The second of the SEGA guest characters, Amigo rides along to the beat of the Samba. This monkey speaks only in music, shaking around his maracas to communicate. Be careful though, for a small guy he moves fast!
Billy Hatcher-The last of the SEGA guest characters, Billy Hatcher takes a break from rolling around his giant egg and joins the race. For someone who appears to be a young kid, he sure can pack a punch. I guess rolling giant eggs around is a good way to build up arm strength.
Rondo of Swords
Cotton-A selfish, irresponsible, and happy-go-lucky witch. A glutton that puts her own hunger ahead of everything else. Her full name is Nata de Cotton. She came to Bravord looking for her favorite thing, a delicacy called Willow, but somewhere along the way, she hit her head and lost her memory.
A travelling witch. She came to Bravord to look for something, but she has lost her memory and doesn't know what.
Izuna-Izuna grew up in a clan of ninjas in the far east. Spoiled by Grandboss, the man who raised her, she has left home to wander the earth.
Shino-A ninja from an island nation far to the east. She travels with Izuna on her wanderings and thinks of her as a little sister.
Soul Calibur III
Yoshimitsu-After retrieving his sword, Yoshimitsu devised a plan to destroy the fragments of Soul Edge and all those items that had been tainted by their power, while simultaneously fighting to protect the weak.
He returned to Japan and gathered nuffians from throughout the land. They would crush the strong and defend the weak, and at the same time locate and destroy the fragments of the cursed sword. It was the birth of an organization of chivalrous thieves called the Manjitou.
Yoshimitsu formulated a grand plan to steal a fragment of Soul Edge and other treasure that was said to lie within the mansion of a wealthy man.
Unfortunately, the scheme ended in failure.
The vanguard force that had been sent after the fragment was wiped out. As a res…
Soul Calibur 2
Yoshimitsu-There was once a ninja clan that was massacred at the hands of a vengeful lord. Yoshimitsu, the sole survivor of the clan, swore to avenge the fallen. He did not give up even after losing his right arm during an encounter. Yoshimitsu traveled across the sea, following a rumor about an ultimate weapon.
When he finally reached Europe, he came upon a series of mysterious killings that wreaked havoc and spread terror across Europe. This reminded him of the slaughter of his clan, and thus Yoshimitsu changed his plan.
Yoshimitsu followed the trail of the mass murderer to Ostrheinsburg Castle, but the castle was devoid of any sings of life. After Yoshimitsu left the castle, he sensed the presence of a sinister energy dwelling in his kata…
Worms Blast
Superfrog-The star of Team17 game, Superfrog is strong character on the rubber duck. Deadly frog with incredibly fast turning and speed.
Vantage Master Online
Adol-Being on many adventures from youth, his swordsmanship is at top class. He is said to have adventured an ancient city floating in the sky.
Leah & Feena-Goddesses worshiped in the ancient city. Being goddesses, magical powers are very high. The one on the right is Leah and Feena is to the left. It is not wise to get into close combat with them.
Ares-A swordsman with a few words. He is known to have found the source of power. Also has some magic power. A very sticky female magician is chasing after him.
Dela/Dora-It seems that he she wandered into the game while chasing after someone. Her magic power seems very high. Defense power seems very low because she is not wearing much underneath her cape.
Clare-A gentle-looking elf girl. Practicing…
Street Fighter 4
Guy-This serious-minded ninja is a practitioner of Bushinryu. He speaks in traditional Japanese, lending a stiff formality to his speech and mannerisms.
Cody-Despite his history as one of the heroes who liberated Metro City from the grips of the evil Mad Gear gang, Cody has a short temper and his penchant for starting fights has landed him in prison.
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Guy-He is the ninja that lives in the present. He is heir to the Bushin Style, which has endured for centuries. When a threat to the world rises so will the shadow of the Bushin. These are the words Master Zeku left. What do they mean?
Cody-Cody used to be a hero, famous for saving Metro City. Bored with the peaceful life, he kept fighting, day and night... Until he was jailed. One day, he managed to break out of prison. Wandering outside, he now seeks something that will satisfy him.
Sodom-The Kabuki Fighter, Sodom, seeks to achieve true "Japanism." How will he reach a higher level of cultural worship? He now wanders the world in search of his "brothers."
Rolento-Rolento's goal is to build the most powerful military nation. He realizes he ne…
Shady Lewd Kart
Shades-Shades is all about games with sex appeal. Running Shady Corner, a review site for all things lewd in gaming he has made a name for himself in covering games of every thiccness and system. His master plan for the ultimate lewd event is Shady Lewd Kart. A gathering of girls from all the corners of the ecchi gaming world. With busty prizes and curves not just on the track but on the ladies, everyone wins!
Shadette-Shadette being the female Shades of the crew is not afraid to get her tits out. If its not her lewdbox photoshoots its for the chance to skip to the front of the line. Her taste for lewds is strong but she has something she craves even more. The shades of another. Her prize for the race doesn't come in the form of a cup or mo…
American Dad vs Family Guy quotes
Stan-Select "You never forget how to fight." Intro 1 "What are you, gay?" Intro 2 "I'm taking out the trash, and sorting it!" Intro 3 "You know what I have to say to that?" Fatality: "Well, it's clear what I have to do." Hara kiri "I'm a failure as a man." WIn pose "I did it! I'm Stan the man!" Win quote 1 "That'll teach you to look foreign!" Win quote 2: "You're next, Osama." Win quote 3 "It's like beating up a bicycle." Stan uses Cyanide pill for his hara kiri
Roger- Select "Oh my God, I smell shenanigans!" Intro 1 "Hey, dumbass!" Intro 2 "Don't be startin' what you can't finish, bitch!" Win Pose "Oh, oh, oh! Oh!" Win Quote 1 "Oh, I've got claws. Look how fat you are. See? Kitty can scratch." Win quote 2 "Next time ask before you touch me…
FreeStyle 2: Street Basketball
Haohmaru-A lone samurai constantly looking for challenges, the man walks into the Streets of FreeStyle and immediately takes notice of the competitive sport that has as much energy and tension as the duels he has been in. Igniting some kind of passion in him, Haohmaru enters the courts of Freestyle to show off his explosive power and natural ability to play with the basketball.
Disney Channel
Titans on the Track
House of Haunts
A Throw Down Memory Lane
Rotten Eggs
Villains Unite
Cartoon Network games
Nascar Wacky Races Game (1999) Exrreme Pong (1999)
Snow Fort (1999)
Birthday Bumper Ball (1999)
Extreme Pong (1999)
Cartoon Cartoon Summer Resort (2000)
Cartoon Parade (2000)
Hanna Barbera All-Star Monster Jam (2001)
Beach Bungalow (1999)
Brick It!
Picnic Pick-Off
Super SNowmobile Rally
Topsy Turkey
Bean Bag Tag
Kick the Can
The Envelopes, Please!
Food Bash
Toon Hoops
Trick-or-Treat Beat
Make a Calendar
TKO: Titanic Kungfubot Offensive
Heartthrob Hotshot
Heartbreak Hysteria
Ready, IM, Fire! Clipbook Holiday Design Workshop
Slippery Disk
Free Kick All Stars
Project Exonaut
Formula Cartoon All Stars
Cartoon Network Superstar Soccer
Snowbrawl Fight
Toon Cup
Lara Croft's Poker Party
Nikki-The young aspiring wizard Nikki is certainly a fast player, she always has a trick or two on her side.
Hana-Part Fench, part Chinese, fluent in six different languages: most of Hana's other professional profiles are shrouded in secrecy.
Gex-The infamous green gecko, always causing a scene and the centre of attention. Gex always likes to put on a show.
Redmond-An escape from a research centre and a bit of a know-it-all, Redmond has been the subject of some rather embarrassing makeup testing.
JC Denton-Underneath the dark glasses, Denton's nanotech enhanced eyes track everything with careful consideration.
Foley-A sharp shooting sniper extraordinaire. Exceptionally cool and calm under pressure, you can rely on Foley to cover your back.
The M…