Crossover History Wikia

CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Super Brawl World


Pearl-Healing Cheer

FD-Fly By Spooking

CM-Dash & Smash

Shinigami-Bat Attack

April-Psychic Blast

Lisa-Science Explosion

Octpie-Pizza Spin

Korra-Meteor Shower

Danny-Ghost Shield

Cosma-First Aid

Max-Ice Breath

Log-Log Smash

MSA-Ice Cream Storm

Megazord-Zord Stomp

Dragonzord-Tail Smash

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Destruction Truck Derby

Spongebob- sp, p

Loud House-Lincoln

Game Shakers-Babe, Kenzie


Kid Danger, Alvin,

Power Rangers-Pink Ranger, Red Ranger

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Capture the Slime

Capture the Slime

"Pick your team and collect as much slime as you can!"

Spongebob-SB, Patrick, Sandy (Bubble Blaster) s intro: "Leave it to the Sponge!" s s: "I got it!" s ko: "Hey, that was mine!" p intro: "Let's go!" L s: "Do I get my award yet?" (side note: he's drooling) ko "Barnacles!" s intro "Now this is what I call a rodeo!" s: "Yee-haw!" ko: "Well, I gotta admit, that's slowing me down!"

Loud House-Lincoln, Lisa, Lynn (Power Glove)

Lin intro "Time to pull out the big guns!" Lin s: "Okay, let's do this!" Lin KO: "I'm okay!" lis intro: "Greetings, human." lis s: "Thank you." ko "Dah!" ly intro "Oh, it is on!" s: "Thanks!" Ly KO "Oh, so that's how they want to play!"

Henry Danger-Kid Danger, Captain Man, Charlotte (Bubblegum Blaster)

H …

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Queen's Blade

Iroha-My name is Iroha. It is out of a large debt of gratitude that I serve and take care of my Master. Though we are by no means living a life of luxury, I can honestly say it brings me great joy to serve my Master each and every day.

However, lately Master has been acting unlike himself. Could something be troubling him? All he does is sigh all day...

No matter how many times I ask, all he ever says is: “It's nothing, you needn't concern yourself, Iroha.” Am I not doing enough in fulfilling Master's wishes? This saddens me...

But one day, I discovered Lord Tokugawa was to hold a fighting contest. Were I to achieve victory there, would that by chance be what it takes to satisfy Master's wishes!?

Just wait, Master! I'll definitely win this con…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022


Yoshimitsu-Yoshimitsu was the only survivor of the Manji Clan, after it was attacked by the samurai lord Oda Nobunaga.

Yoshimitsu lost his right arm during the battle against Lord Oda, but that did not stop him from crossing the sea to find Soul Edge, rumored to be the ultimate weapon in all of existence. Yoshimitsu wanted the weapon to take his revenge against Nobunaga.

During his travels, he came across horrific atrocities left behind by a knight in azure armor. He sensed the hatred and despair of the knight's victims and reflected on his situation.

"Vengeance will be mine, but if I continue along this path, I will be no better then Nobunaga or the azure knight..."

Even as this moral dilemma gnawed at his soul, he continued his search for th…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Tekken 7

Akuma-A mysterious fighter… a demon. He finds himself in the middle of the Mishima blood feud by a pre-existing relationship with Kazumi, Hehiachi's wife. He makes his debut in TEKKEN 7 promising to fulfill a debt owed to Kazumi.

Geese-Geese Howard, the charismatic face of evil from SNK, has joined the fray! Experience for yourself the overwhelming presence of the newest antagonist to emerge in TEKKEN 7!

Noctus-Noctis, the 114th heir apparent to the Lucian throne, joins the fray from FINAL FANTASY XV! Experience a new level of combat as you warp around the enemy while invoking Armiger, the power of kings!

Negan-The Walking Dead’s Negan, the charismatic leader of the Saviors, brought other communities together under his thumb with the motto “p…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022


Konomi Yuzuhara-A girl who enjoys fortune-telling and delicious food. She has a dog named Genjimaru. She's a kind and helpful girl, but she has a tendency to accidently make a bad situation worse.

Tamaki Kousaka-A childhood friend of Konomi. Everyone considers her something of a big sister. She is very mature, but still has a mischievous side to her. She excels at everything, from sports to class work to housework, and so far there is nothing she is bad at.

Manaka Komaki-While she is the Class Vice President, everybody still refers to her as "Class Pres." She's a diligent worker who loves to help those around her, but she messes up fairly often. She's part of the literary club, and can be often found in the school library.

Multi-Officially na…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Mortal Kombat vs DC

Scorpion-"Scorpion was once a member of the Shirai Ryu ninja clan before he was slain by the elder Sub-Zero. Resurrected by the sorcerer Quan Chi, he entered the Mortal Kombat tournament and killed Sub-Zero to avenge the murders of his family and clan. But Sub-Zero's younger brother assumed his name and donned the familiar blue assassin's garb. Though he remains Quan Chi's enforcer, Scorpion will not rest until this Sub-Zero has been slain as well."

Sub-Zero-"An assassin of the Lin Kuei clan, Sub-Zero is skilled in the art of kombat and commands the power of ice and cold. He assumed the mantle of Sub-Zero when his brother was killed by the ninja specter Scorpion in the same Mortal Kombat tournament that Liu Kang won. Though his brother succ…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Mortal Kombat X

Alien-The Xenomorphs had descended on Outworld long ago, but the dormant eggs they left behind were only recently found. The leader of the Tarkatan patrol had picked up one of the leathery orbs, only to have it burst open and its occupant latch itself to his face. Later, after the "facehugger" had fallen off, the Alien progeny burst from the unfortunate Tarkatan's chest, bearing characteristics of both Xenomorph and host. It eluded the rest of the Tarkatan soldiers and eventually killed them. The creature now roams Outworld, looking for more hosts. Its amazing strength and animal fury make Alien almost unstoppable.

Jason Voorhees-Death and revenge make up the very core of Jason Voorhees' being. He died as a young boy. His mother killed out …

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Mortal Kombat 9

Freddy Krueger- "A malevolent spirit of the Dream Realm, Freddy Krueger preys on the souls of the living as they sleep. When Shao Kahn began to steal Earthrealm's souls - souls Freddy considered his own - Freddy battled the emperor in the Dream Realm. But Shao Kahn's will was too strong. He pulled Freddy into the real world, where he was mortal, and defeated him. A badly injured yet determined Freddy fitted both his hands with demonically enhanced razor gloves. Once he has killed Shao Kahn, he will find a way back to the Dream Realm, where he will torment Earthrealm's souls for eternity."

Kratos-"Ancient Greece knew no more bloodthirsty warrior than Kratos, who for a time was the God of War. Mortal once more, Kratos withdrew from the ages-o…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Mario Hoops 3 on 3

Black Mage-It doesn't take some alignment of stars for Black Mage to dominate on the hardwood. He has more than a few shots up his sleeve, not the least of which is his Meteor Shot, an homage to the big rocks in the sky.

Cactuar-Cactuar is tough to guard. Not only does he have wicked moves, he's covered with needles. One way or another, he'll make you pay through pain. Stay out of his way when he unleashes his 1000 needles shot.

Moogle-What makes Moogle so dangerous? Cuteness. Just when you think you can steamroll a furry friend, you find yourself flat on your back. When the Moogle Dance gets rolling, you're going to get stepped on.

Ninja-Speed, grace and power sum up Ninja'a game. To stop him, you have to catch him, but when you think you ha…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict

Raiden-As an Elder God, Raiden has been cursed with seeing the devastation to come. When the Gods stood firm on their decision not to interfere in the ways of mortals, Raiden pleaded with them to take action, but they refused. Disgusted, he relinguished his Immortal status to travel amongst the realms, gathering the support of the greatest of warriors against the coming storm. And there is no better place to recruit the champions of the galaxy then the Liandri Tournament.

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

SoulCalibur Broken Destiny

Kratos-Kratos, the protagonist of the wildly popular God of War series, is on a quest for revenge. Ordered to assassinate Ares, Kratos only agrees to do so in order to free himself from the nightmares of his past deeds.

The Greek anti-god Kratos combines his animalistic and brutal fighting style with his distinctive weapons, the "blades of chaos"(a pair of swords attached to Kratos' arms with the fiery chains of hell) for a fluid combat style that is a challenger's worst nightmare

Kratos is the true definition of an anti-hero, often making immoral decisions to further his goal (sacrificing unprotected humans for example). While serving as the captain of Sparta's army, Kratos was only intrested in stealing his opponets power for his own gain.…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

SoulCalibur Legends

Lloyd-  遥か別世界の地、シルヴァラント。その危機を救った少年は世界に散らばったエクスフィアという寄生した人の力を増幅する無機生命体を全て回収するため旅していた。


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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

SoulCalibur V

Ezio-According to historian Shaun Hastings, there is a gap in Ezio’s timeline. Though data from the Animus is sparse, it would seem Ezio discovered a strange artifact in 1506, while on his way to Navarre to fight Cesare Borgia. The artifact in question was held by a group of Templars plotting to overthrow Queen Catalina, off the Spanish coast. During the night, Ezio boarded the ship, overcame the Templars, and set the vessel ablaze. He then stole the chest holding the artifact and, once in a safe place, opened it. The Animus readings are very erratic after that. To quote Shaun: “Bugger if I know how DNA and an earthquake are related, but this looks like readouts from the Richter Scale!” According to our data, Ezio’s timeline seems to jump …

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022


Cloud Strife-An ex-SOLDIER of the Shinra Company who now works freelance. The large sword he carries has the destructive power to split anything in two.

Tifa Lockheart-A childhood friend of Cloud’s, and a member of AVALANCHE, an anti-Shinra revolutionary group. In addition to being the poster girl at a pub in the slums, she is adept in the Zangan-ryu martial arts practice. Thus, her fists and legs are quite destructive.

Sephiroth-The legendary SOLDIER that Cloud has always dreamed of emulating. After learning the secret of his past, he is filled with so much hatred that he heads towards self-destruction. His weapon is the powerful sword, Masamune.

Yuffie Kisaragi-A descendant of noble Ninjas. She refers to herself as “Materia Hunter”, as she …

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Street Fighter 3

Hugo-Second Impact-Hailing from Germany, Hugo is a gigantic pro-wrestler who is 7' 2 tall and weighs in at 445 lb. His powerful muscles and huge body crush opponents

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Super Smash Bros N64

Yoshi-Straight out of Yoshi's Story, this level is just too darn cute for fighting. How are you supposed to kick tail when a smiling heart is showering everyone with joy? But if you manage to overcome the cute music and work up some anger, the simple design of this level is perfect for pummeling. Power-ups often appear on the clouds floating to the left and right of the arena. Grab them quickly, because the clouds will vanish after a few seconds.

Zelda-It may seem like an unusual place for a fight, but the roof of Hyrule Castle is one of the most exciting stages in Smash Bros. A platform with a ladder towers above the center of the arena, and the wide roof provides plenty of space for four players to get it on. Wind whipping across Hyrule F…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Hyrule Warriors

Link-The Hylian army’s strongest soldier holds the Triforce of Courage, a variety of weapons, and the speed to take on an army by himself.

Zelda-The courageous and wise leader of Hyrule is also a powerful force on the battlefield with elegant weapons and a razor-sharp Rapier.

Impa-Princess Zelda’s loyal bodyguard uses an enormous Giant Blade to slash through throngs of foes.

Sheik-This mysterious warrior uses speed, shuriken, and a weaponized harp to power through enemy armies.

Ganondorf-The personification of evil becomes the personification of awesomeness when Ganondorf takes the field with a really big sword.

Darunia-Like all Gorons, this warrior king is a heavyweight on the battlefield. His massive hammer will shake the ground and send enem…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Berserk and the Band of the Hawk

Guts-Guts is a wandering mercenary, who, after being defeated by Griffith, joins the Band of the Hawk. In that band, he earns the status of Captain of the Hawks' Raiders. After the war ends, he leaves the Band of the Hawk to find his own dream and to become the equal of Griffith.

Griffith-The leader of the Band of the Hawk, a band of mercenaries feared as the Grim Reapers of the Battlefield. He is a young man of striking handsomeness and possesses a charisma that enchants people around him. His dream is to acquire his own kingdom.

Casca-Unit Commander of the Band of the Hawk. She joined the band after being saved by Griffith when she was a child. She is wholeheartedly devoted to Griffith, and wishes to become his sword to help him achieve hi…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Diddy Kong Racing

Banjo-Even before the start of his future partnership with Kazooie, Banjo isn't one to turn down the chance of an adventure. So when Squawks brings the message from his pal Diddy Kong, the Honey Bear stuffs a few things into his trusty backpack and takes to his trusty backpack and takes to his heels.

Conker-Another friend made by Diddy Kong on one of his endless adventures with Donkey Kong, Conker is also an exploration nut who'll jump at any chance to break free of a squirrel's less than exciting daily routine. He's eager to join up with Banjo as the bear passes through.

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Fighting Megamix

Bean-A woodpecker who appeared in the 1996 arcade game "Sonic the Fighters." He loves sports, and is particularly good at soccer. His special techniques are his spinning uppercut and bomb attack. His blue 2P color is BIN, the main character of the 1988 arcade game "Dynamite Dux", though Bean is his son.

Bark-A polar bear who appeared in the 1996 arcade game "Sonic the Fighters." North Island's #1 snowboarder. He is blunt and quiet, but has a gentle and loving heart. He's actually a shy guy.

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Dead or Alive 6

Ryu Hayabusa-A super ninja, master of the ancient Hayabusa style Ninjutsu. His strength has been recounted in numerous tales. As a longtime friend of Hayate, when the latter was attacked by Raidou, and his sister Kasumi went missing, Ryu had to leave his peaceful life with his partner Irene and set out to help them. He was instrumental in solving numerous troubles that have occurred in the world of DOA.

Hayabusa Style Ninjutsu The awesome Izuna Drop, a powerful single blow attack that can be performed even from strikes or holds.

Mai Shiranui-Mai is a kunoichi and the successor of the Shiranui style ninjutsu. Her opponents are at the mercy of her graceful movements and fascinating attire. Using large fans as weapons, her fighting style is to …

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Dead or Alive 5

Ryu-A super ninja of the ancient Hayabusa style of Ninjutsu. His strength has been recounted in numerous tales. A longtime friend of Hayate.

Fighting style-The awesome Izuna Drop, a powerful single blow attack that can be performed even from strikes or holds.

Akira Yuki-A descendant of the founder of the Yuki Budokan, he has been taught his own unique style by his father, based on Hakkyoku-Ken (also known as Ba Ji Quan, the same style as Kokoro). He spends his days training to become the greatest martial artist in the world. He enters the World Fighting Tournament as a way to test himself. The main character of the Virtua Fighter series.

Hakkyoku-Ken traditionally favors close-quarters combat, but Akira has developed his own version which als…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Dead or Alive 3

Ryu Hayabusa-Ryu, the modern super ninja is the best friend of Kasumi's brother, Hayate. In the last tournament he successfully brought down Bankotsu-bo - the feared Tengu of Destruction - who brought chaos to the whole world. But before he allows himself to relax in a new era of relative peace, Ryu Hayabusa must enter the tournament again, this time to save the wrold from Genra, an evil being created by the DOATEC.

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Dead or Alive 2

Ryu-He is the modern Super Ninja and the best friend of Kasumi's brother. Being a super ninja he has the responsibility to confront "Bankotsubo", the evil Tengu, who came from the dark world into human existence. To face the Evil Tengu would be a suicidal act for any human being buy Hayabusa owes it to himself and to mankind to confront his fate.

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Dead or Alive

Ryu Haybusa-A dark figure approaches and hands Ryu a piece of paper stained with something red. Then, without a word, the figure slips away. Welcome to Dead or Alive - from Fame Douglas. Ryu nears a name "Hayabusa" an honor bestowed upon only the most distinguished of Ninja's coming from the Hayabusa School. His life had been a continuous fight until he met his love, Aileen, and found satisfaction in peace. But his thirst for challenge returned when he learned that his best friend's sister, Kasumi, has disappeared. The invitation in his hand beckoned and winked like an old lover. Another seduction from the dark. Once again, Ryu became a shadow of darkness...

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Konami Krazy Racers

Goemon-A righteous, hot-blooded youth. He has rescued Oedo from countless dangers, and decided to participate in the competition because of an eerie feeling about the race that had begun to creep up on him.

Pawapro-kun-Youth who loves baseball and dreams of appearing in the Koshien high school baseball tournament where the best of the best high school teams in the country compete. Will fan support give him an edge in Krazy Racing?

Pastel-Pilot of the Winbee. She is a gentle, outgoing young girl who normally spends her time maintaining peace on on Donburi Island as a member of the Twinbee Team.

Nyami-She is a teen popstar who, together with her sidekick Mimi, performs as a TV announcer and singer. The show she appears in regularly, "Poppin' Pa…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Super Bomberman R

Atlas-An android created by GLaDOS in order to carry out joint tests of portals. Its slender hands and feet are attached to its body, which resembles a round core, and because of its paint, is called "Blue" by GLaDOS. Apparently, it's more masculine than its partner, P-BODY Bomber.

Arbiter-A Covenant Bomberman from Planet HALO. A single soldier who reports directly to the Hierarchs, chosen from the elite families at times when the Covenant is in danger. As they risk their lives to fulfill their duty, the Covenant regards the position as the pinnacle of worship. Incidentally, Arbiter is a title and not an actual name.

Raiden-A cyborg Bomberman from the Metal Gear planet. Wall running and slicing up giant unmanned weapons, his physical ability…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Killer Instinct

Arbiter-The Sangheili—or “Elites” as they are known by humans—are a proud, noble race of saurian bipeds hailing from the distant world of Sanghelios. For centuries the Sangheili were the military backbone of the Covenant, a theocratic alien alliance driven to reclaim the wonders and technologies left behind by the enigmatic Forerunners. Central among these sacred relics was an array of ringworld weapons collectively known as Halo, objects that Covenant leadership promised would usher the faithful into godhood through a divine sublimation they called “the Great Journey.”

Eventually, the Covenant would be broken—in no small part thanks to the betrayal of the Sangheili at the hands of the empire’s scheming and power-hungry leadership, who were…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Warriors Orochi 3

Kasumi-The successor of the Mugen Tenshin Ninja Clan, a certain incident forced her to leave her village behind, never to return, and live her life in fear of being constantly hunted. While she was chasing a clone of herself known as "Alpha-152," she was suddenly thrust into a rift in space-time that brought her to this strange world.

Sterkenburg Cranach-A former knight of the Kingdom of Arland, he goes by the name of Sterk. Although he is normally quiet, calm and collected, he will roar into action when seeking information about his former king's whereabouts or when his sense of chivalry is put to the test. After escorting Princess Meruru back to Arls, he was on his way back to Arland, but was sucked into the rift in space-time and found h…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Lara Croft Guardian of Light

Grab a friend or go at it alone as Kain and Raziel from the Legacy of Kain games. The two iconic characters must work together to defeat a new threat in an unfamiliar world.

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Bust-a-Move 3

S.S.B.-Super Sonic Blastman delivers devastating one-two combinations. Just when your opponents finds an opening, he throws up a block.

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Street Fighter Alpha 2

Guy's profile is the same

Rolento-An insane warrior that never turns away from a battle. A commando in the Vietnam War, the strict Rolento now controls his army of soldiers. He keeps them in line because he once hung a soldier with metal cable during a training session just to make a point. He was preaching that a good soldier must be able to survive at all times, even if captured by the enemy. Rolento then proceeded to demonstrate on one of his own soldiers.

Sodom-Sodom considers himself a student of Japan and its culture. But as an American living in America, he has had trouble perfecting the art. A former henchman for the Mad Gear gang, Sodom aims to revive the crime gang and is consumed with revenge for Guy.

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Street Fighter Alpha

Guy-Guy's command of ninjitsu fuels his belief that he is a descendant of a ninja. An intelligent fighter, Guy balances street smarts with the ninjitsu tradition to create a unique combination of strength and calculation. Instrumental in the downfall of the Mad Ger crime ring, Guy trounces evil anywhere it lurks.

Sodom-Sodom considers himself a student of Japan and its culture. But as an American living in America, he has had trouble perfecting the art. A former henchman for the Mad Gear gang, Sodom is consumed with revenge for Guy.

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Marvel Super Heroes

Anita-Anita is a test character based on the girl that follows Donovan around in the Darkstalkers games.

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Kirby's Avalanche

Lololo and Lalala-What a frustrating pair! Bury their parade in boulders as early and often as possible.

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Aero Fighters 3

ENGLISH MANUALS Blazers-The largest aircraft in the squadron, so its slow, but its main weapon and sub-weapon are very powerful. "Find the master's daughter!"

Malcolm-A large plane but the fastest in the squadron. Not powerful, but can accumulate fire-power. "A real fighter will choose him!"

Ellen & Cindy-The slowest fighter in the squadron but reaches full power with one Power-Up item.

JAPANESE MANUAL Glen-Similar to Gill, he is a character from "Karate Blazers," a 28-year-old black man. Gill's fellow student of martial arts, he battles for the same reason. The upper half of his body, always naked to the waist (why?), is built with conspicuous muscles. He is a quiet and serious guy.

Gill-A character from the beat 'em up game "Karate Blazers," h…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Snk Gals Fighters

Shermie (Shelmy[????])-The awakening of Orochi halted, Shermie has lost her reason to live. At first, she was busily engaged in attempts to awaken the Orochi, but gave up because of his foul mood after being resurrected. She lives peacefully now with Yashiro and Chris. One sunny afternoon, a letter found its way to her. "Hmm. QOF?... Didn't get much out of KOF '99, so why not? Wonder who else will join? Sounds like fun! ...What's this? I can win a talisman? Now I'm pumped!" Finding a new purpose in life, Shermie prepares herself in high spirits.

Nakoruru-The Demon Incident over, Nakoruru passed calm days in Kamui Kotan. With the end of the long winter and the first warm rays of spring sunlight, a letter comes. "Hey, Nakoruru! Who's it from? …

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

The King of Fighters XI

Terry, Kim, Duck King-“Hooray for Kim!” “We’re rooting for you!”

Kim and Terry are waiting in the airport lobby while Chan and Choi serenade them with feigned, no two-faced and half-hearted cheers. This unprecedented combination was arrived at by a series of twists and turns. When Mai, irritated at Andy’s repeated absences and tired of acceding with the usual “Well, if you two have to enter together, then I suppose it’s OK”, proactively insisted on taking a vacation with him during the period scheduled for KOF, Joe Higashi also took himself out of the running because it overlapped with the Muetai title match. Tizoc, who had joined the team last year, had already entered on another team, provoking Andy to think outside the box. Just then, a…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

The King of Fighters 2003

Terry, Joe, Tizoc- At the appointed coffee shop, the figure of Terry Bogard is still nowhere to be found.

The seats of the open terrace are fully exposed to view from the street. The two sitting in the delicately constructed chairs are men of exceptional build. Between the two, one is the champ of Muay Thai kickboxing, and the other is the king of professional wrestling. "...Don't sit there like a clam. How about a cup of Java?" "No." "Look, if you'd just take off that bird mask, you'd be able to drink it, right?" "It's not a bird. It's a griffon mask." "Whatever! Take it off. Now! Thanks to your whack little mask, even I've begun to feel like a complete freak." "Being noticed is the fate of a hero, don't you know?" (...Terry, Andy, enough…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

The King of Fighters 2001

Terry, Andy, Joe, Mary-A pleasant breeze blows through a clear blue sky.

The unbroken laughter of children playing football and baseball echoes throughout Southtown's only park-you guessed its name by now, Southtown Park. A man wearing a familiar red cap makes his way to a group of kids playing basketball. "Hey, kids! How goes the hoops?!" "Hey everybody, it's Terry! Awesome! You came again, too, like you promised!" After a quick pick-up game, Terry sits on a bench to chat with the kids. "Terry! I've seen all the commercials on TV, so you must know there's another King of Fighters this year! Are you going to enter?!" "Huh?! Hmm, is that so? This year, too? ...Come to think of it, I've entered every year, haven't I...? "Gee, Terry, I'd sure …

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

The King of Fighters 2000

Terry, Andy, Joe, Mary-

A lone man enters the hallowed ground; silent monuments stand vigilant over the lonely field where there's no sign of another living soul. "So another year has passed since I've visited here." Every year at this time, Andy comes to visit the grave of his dead father. The piercing sunlight, the carpet of green that covers one side of the grounds, the gravestones stood in careful order-in this landscape that seems to never change between each visit, something has changed this year. "...So it looks like I'm all alone this year." He walks on, resigned to the fact. His big brother should be at his side every year. But for this entire year, Andy has been unable to discover anything about Terry's whereabouts. As he mulls th…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

The King of Fighters '99

Terry, Andy, Joe, Mai-When I met up with him again, he didn't sense anything different. While I was training, it took a while for me to realize that the phone was ringing. When I became aware of it, the phone must have already rung 10 times, and I managed to pick it up just as the caller was about to hang up. A familiar voice on the other end of the receiver chewed me out. "Hey, thanks for finally picking up lead butt." The tone of his voice was more reassuring and calm than complaining, I felt that he was smiling on the other end, happy to be talking to a friend after a long while. After exchanging one or two pleasantries, the caller soon got right to the reason for his call in his typically matter-of-fact way, or put more bluntly, in his…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Fighting EX Layer

Terry-Morning. Terry drinks his usual morning coffee, puts on his usual outfit, and steps outside. However, he notices something is different in the air. "This place... where am I?"

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Dead or Alive 4

SPARTAN-458-Nicole was born in the year 2531 in the city of New Legaspi on Mars. At six years of age she was abducted by agents of the Office of Naval Intelligence and conscripted into the Spartan II program. The Spartan II program was the UNSCs highly successful military project to augment and hone perfect soldiers. SPARTAN-458s unit was preparing for a classified mission on Nassau Station when the ONI stealth ship Apocalypso tumbled into real-spacebeing carried along inthe wake of a freak slipspace anomaly. The anomaly intersected Nassau Station, creating a semi-stable bubble in the space/time continuum on its way back to the 21st Century. For the time being Nicole-458 is trapped in the 21st century; guarding Nassau Stations secrets with…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Rival Schools

Sakura-Sakura joined her close friends Hinata and Natsu in order to defeat the kidnappers. But can she fight? That remains to be seen.

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

The King of Fighters '97

Terry, Andy, Joe-Aboard an international flight. Joe, for some reason, looks like he's having fun. Andy, on the other hand, wears his usual mask of gloomy. JOE: "Hunh? What's the deal there? What's with the sourpuss?" ANDY: "Sourpuss, shmourpuss. You know what's eating me. You forget the purpose of this little trip is for me to visit my father's grave. So what's your story? Why are tagging along for no reason?" JOE: "No reason? That's harsh! Come on, you and me. The King of Fighters!" ANDY: "No way. Last time didn't you brag about entering the next tournament alone and showing the world just who Joe Higashi really was. What happened to that?" JOE: "No, no, that was no lie, Goldilocks! I really did want to do that. But the pieces of the puz…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

The King of Fighters '96

Terry, Andy, Joe-At the exit to Southtown Airport. Passengers of a flight arriving from Japan stream out of the gate. Among them are Andy and Joe. ANDY: "...." Andy's gaze freezes on a large-screen TV positioned above the airport's reception desk. An announcement for the King of Fighters is currently displayed on it. JOE: "So that's, the ad for this year's King of Fighters? Hmm. I see a few old friends are back in the line-up, but, as I figured, she and her friends don't seem to have teamed up yet. ANDY: "Yeah. Since I got my invitation first, I teamed up with you guys to avoid the usual squabble we have. But Mai still seemed mightily miffed. The last time she called me, I couldn't get a word in edgewise. She just ranted on and then hung u…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

The King of Fighters '95

Terry, Andy, Joe-Joe Higashi drops in on Terry and Andy, who are busy training on a small island in the Mediterranean Sea JOE: "If it isn't my old pals Terry and Andy. Looks like you've been working hard." TERRY: "Our good buddy Joe. You just get here?" JOE: "Yup.... Yeah, that reminds me. On the way here I dropped by the hotel and this was waiting there for you." Joe extends an invitation to King of Fighters to the two. ANDY: "This?! This is an invitation to the King of Fighters!?" TERRY: "Huh, again? What's this all about?" JOE: "Beats me. Oh, and on top of that, I just saw Mai, too..." ANDY: "Huh? J-just hold on there. You mean Mai's here, too...?" JOE: "She was. She was here all right, but the minute she saw this invite, she realized y…

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