Crossover History Wikia

CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

The King of Fighters '94

Terry, Andy, Joe-Terry is passing quiet afternoon in a small park with a view of a small harbor. Blessed with pleasant weather, he thinks, "This is phenomenal!" even though combining training with a stay at this Italian resort was his own idea. But his reverie is soon cut short. The cause for this is the delivery of a single invitation with his name on it. "The King of Fighters, huh?" He seems a bit bummed by this. And just who is this "R" anyway? "'R'.... It doesn't seem to be Geese or Krauser.... Hmm. Who could it be? R...R...Uh, Ryuhaku Todoh? Who was that guy?" Could it be that the genial climate has affected his mental circuitry? "Hey! Boy, we broke a hump trying to find you!" Joe Higashi, the perpetually peppy kick boxing dynamo, arr…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Fighter's History

Karnov-He was born to a poor farmer in Russia. At age 5 he left the farm to pursue a career in fighting. He trained several fighters and would like to continue teaching his fighting art to new students. Little else is known about this powerful man.

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Fatal Fury Special

Ryo Sakazaki-The secret character in the arcade is now playable! But it is up to you to find his secret moves.

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Atari Karts

Bentley Bear- Hugs the road and cuddles the corners.

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Lego Dimensions

Bane-Dig your way through the multiverse as DC Comics™ villain, Bane™! Build powerful Bane™ and add him to a crazy mash-up multiverse of your favorite characters!

Place him on the LEGO® Toy Pad to bring him to life in the game and activate his Hazard Protection, Big Transform and Super Stealth abilities to solve puzzles and overpower enemies. Launch the Drill Driver and rebuild it into a Bane Dig ‘n Drill and Bane Drill ‘n Blast for upgraded abilities in the game!

Sensei Wu-Become one with Spinjitzu Master Sensei Wu!

Build Sensei Wu and add him to a crazy mash-up multiverse of your favorite characters! Place him on the LEGO® Toy Pad to bring him to life in the game, then activate his special Acrobat, Spinjitzu, Stealth and Pole Vault abilitie…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022


Rayman-Rayman Champion of the Glade of Dreams “Long ago the Primordial Forest, deep and mysterious, witnessed the birth of a man… a vegetable… no, no, no: a thingamajig. Conjured from the magnificent moonbeams of the second summer solstice, woven together by us, the nymphs, destined to preserve the equilibrium of the sacred universe, the one we call: Rayman!” – Betilla the Fairy, Origins

“Have you seen the new guy? Things are getting weird around here.” “You’re an actual cat.” “That’s fair.” – Asuri and Jhala

The Glade of Dreams is once again under threat from the nefarious Mr. Dark, and once again, Polokus, the Bubble Dreamer, has called upon Rayman to save the day. From Polokus, Rayman learned that the only way to defeat Mr. Dark was to fi…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022


The Drifter-HYPER LIGHT DRIFTER Drifters of this world are the collectors of forgotten knowledge, lost technologies and broken histories.

The Drifter is haunted by an insatiable illness, traveling further into the lands of Buried Time, steeped in blood and treasure hoping to discover a way to quiet the vicious disease.

Echoes of a dark and violent past from the dead eras resonate throughout and he can’t help but listen.

JUAN AGUACATE-GUACAMELEE! A humble agave farmer turned legendary luchador, Juan is always prepared to piledrive evil.

Following his demise at the hands of the villainous Carlos Calaca, Juan was revived thanks to the mysterious powers of a magical wrestling mask. Transformed into the luchador he always dreamed of, Juan set out t…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Heroes of the Storm

Anduin-KING OF STORMWIND-As a young man, Anduin sought peace as a priest of the Holy Light and an envoy of the Alliance. After his father, Varian, fell to the Burning Legion, Anduin took up the crown as High King of the Alliance. He soon learned that peace must be fought for, even in the Nexus.

Imperius-ARCHANGEL OF VALOR-Leader of the Angiris Council and Aspect of Valor, Imperius has valiantly led the armies of the High Heavens to innumerous victories over the demons of the Burning Hells. While his methods are exact and severe, there is no greater defender of righteousness in the entirety of creation.

Mal'Ganis-NATHREZIM LORD-Cunning and intelligent, Mal'Ganis was chosen to bring Arthas Menethil into the Lich King’s service. After manipulat…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Street Fighter V

Sodom-A former leader of the Mad Gear gang, he dreams of rebuilding his empire, and is surprisingly honorable considering his past. Sodom is obsessed with Japanese culture, and is able to nimbly wield a number of weapons such as jitte and katana. He also enjoys driving around in his tastefully decorated large truck!

Mike Haggar-Whether as pro wrestler or mayor of Metro City, Mike has unflinchingly stood up to his enemies without fail. Watch out for his body press!

The current mayor of Metro City, Mike tempered his physique through street fighting before turning pro wrestler for the CWA, the same association that occasionally hosts Zangief. He's also often invited to give lectures across the country. Mike has a daughter named Jessica. He hasn…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

SNK Heroines

Athena Asamiya-A high school pop idol who fights for truth and justice. Her fighting style is based around the Psycho Power she was born with, combined with Chinese martial arts. She is serious and a hard worker with a bright and active personality. She can sometimes be a bit of a crybaby, though.

Kula Diamond-An artificially enhanced human who was created by the NESTS organization. She has the ability to freeze objects using the moisture in the air. As a side effect of her surgery, her mental state has been turned back to that of a child. She likes all kinds of sweets and candy.

Mai Shiranui-A kunoichi who is the heir apparent to the Shiranui-Ryu Ninjutsu. She wields her family's ancient oversized Japanese fan as a weapon, and her pyrokinet…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Super Meat Boy

Commander Video-Floaty! Slow...

Jill-Air Brakes! Pervert

Ogmo-Double jump! Ripoff!

Flywrench-Tripple jump! Heavy

The Kid-Double jump! Not the guy

Gish-Sticky! Too sticky...

Tim-Rewind potion Misunderstood

Spelunky-Explosive flight! Explosive flight!

Pink Knight-Air flail! Sweet tooth

The Ninja-Sprint! Greedy

Headcrab-Clingy Itchy

Josef-Robo spin Soulless

Naija-Swift attack Fishy

Runman-Super dash! Pill popper

Captain Viridian-VVVVVV VVVVVV

Steve-Architect Arsonist

Goo Ball has no description.

Runman-Super dash! Pill popper

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Dream Mix TV World Fighters

Bomberman-「ボンバーマン」シリーズでおなじみですね!爆弾で相手を倒します。くれぐれも自爆にご注意を! Binbogami-  本名:貧乏神 ■紹介 桃太郎電鉄でおなじみのおじゃまキャラ。 社長さんのためによかれと思ってしたことが すべて裏目裏目にでてしまい いつも社長さんに迷惑をかけている Aska-紹介 タカラ社から発売されている COOL GIRLシリーズから。 現代のくノ一として活躍している。 Optimus-


■紹介 サイバトロン総司令官であり,コンボイトレーラーに変形することが出来る超ロボット生命体。 ■キャラ技 コンボイトレーラーに変形してスピンターン! ライバルをなぎ倒すぞッ! 方向キー(左右)と合わせると変形して、その方向に爆走! ライバルを跳ね飛ばせ! Licca-Chan-明るくて元気いっぱいの小学5年生の女の子。 フランス人と日本人のハーフ。 この作品に登場するのは4代目リカちゃんである。 Beyblade-紹介 絶大な人気を誇るアニメ「爆転シュートベイブレード」シリーズの主人公。 Manjimaru-紹介 ご存じ!天外魔境?の主人公。 火の一族。 炎をまとった剣で戦いますよ! Megatron-■紹介 トランスフォーマー、コンボイの宿敵 デストロンのリーダー Microman-紹介 身長10数センチのアクションフィギュア。本作品に登場しているのは、その中のM121シリーズメイスン(赤)、マイケル(青)、ミラー(緑)、マックス(黄)、それぞれに名前がついています。 Moai-■紹介 グラディウスシリーズをはじめとして たくさんのコナミ作品に出演している 愛すべきキャラクター Momotaru-ギャグ満載のRPG「桃太郎…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

The Sims 3

Sunflower-Brighter than a penny, Sunflower stands apart from other perennials by making sunlight while also finding time to dance with nearby Sims, even Zombies who want to pick her petals.

Peashooter – This steadfast ally is ready to defend your house from zombified Sims and other unsavory characters like burglars and repo men! It actually shoots peas at unwanted guests!
• Ripped Zombie Suit Outfit – Dress your male or female Sim in the classic zombie attire from PvZ™.
• Newspaper Zombie Suit Outfit – There’s nothing quite as terrifying as loud boxers and sock garters. Dress your male or female Sim up as the newspaper zombie from PvZ.
• Cone and Bucket hats – Those pesky zombies might have worn these objects for protection, but they also make…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Motor Mayhem

Motor Mayhem is a vehicle combat video game developed by Beyond Games. The game centers around a Vehicle Combat League below the earth between genetically enginerred humans and a mutant race of beings known as the Düvo.

Motor Mayhem features characters that are similarly named to characters from Ultra Vortek. Both games were developed by Beyond Games. The characters profiles and ability origins will be listed in this article.

Ultra Vortek-Grok was designed to work with the Los Angeles Mega-City Combat Engineer Corps in "urban pacification and reeducation" missions. His tough exterior, hiding a normal human skeletal frame, made him uniquely suited to the dangerous and "high-impact" work of cleaning out small bands of urban guerrillas and snipe…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

KOF 14

Blue Mary-She currently works as a freelance special agent. Born from a long line of famous fighters, Blue Mary excels in all fighting styles, and more particularly, in the Sambo Commando, a martial that uses striking and grappling techniques. Blue Mary has a strong bond with Terry Bogard.

Rock Howard-The biological son of the kingpin of Southtown, Geese Howard, and raised by the legendary fighter Terry Bogard. Rock is the ultimate fighter who has mastered Howard’s and Bogard’s fighting techniques.

RYUJI YAMAZAKI-An outlaw, who made his name as a broker for the underworld. Despite being a member of the “Hakkesshuu Brotherhood”, Yamazaki has no interest in Orochi’s resurrection, and he is only in it for his own personal gain.

Kim-Kim is a very…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Tatsunoko vs Capcom

Casshan-Tetsuya Azuma transformed himself from an ordinary human into the indestructible neoroider, Casshan. After his transformation, he awakened to awesome, newfound powers. He chooses to use these powers to fight against the android Braiking Boss, who has violently seized control of the world.

Casshan’s signature face mask and pulsar weapon is accompanied by neoroider abilities such as extendable legs and superhuman strength. He is joined by Friender, his robotic dog partner who has a variety of special powers, including the ability to transform into a number of useful machines.

Doronjo-Doronjo is a mysterious beauty who leads the Dorombo Gang (which includes her henchmen, Tonzura and Boyacky). She can be easily spotted by her wisps of bl…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022


Iron Man-The Golden Knight Running in the Sky

He belongs to the West Coast Avengers, a group of superheroes. An international entrepreneur and genius scientist, he develops high-tech armor. He takes it upon himself to wear it to fight evil.

Ice Man-Hot Cool Guy

X-MEN's oldest member and a hot cool guy. He solidifies the water in the atmosphere to create snow and ice, which can be controlled freely.

War Machine-A walking high-tech arsenal

A good buddy of Iron Man. He wears high-tech armor like Iron Man and fights evil as his partner.

Wolverine-The Ultimate Tough Guy

A Member of the X-MEN. Equipped with the strongest metal adamantium claws on both arms, he can tear through anything. He also has tremendous physical healing powers.

Bone Wolverine-The …

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Creepy Castle

Aban Hawkins-A globe-trotting treasure hunter and a master of throwing knives.

Balrog-Not much is really known about Balrog. He seems nice enough, but is sometimes at the behest of bad people.

Chica-One of the well-loved robots from Fazbear's Pizzeria. Always ready to party! Bestiary entry: An ancient automaton of some sort that seems to be alive.

Dr. Fetus-No one loves Dr. Fetus, and that's why Dr. Fetus hates you.

Bestiary entry: Everyone hates Dr. Fetus, and that's why Dr. Fetus hates you.

Plague Knight-Cunning, sneaky, and a little bit creepy. Don't turn your back on him! Bestiary entry: An alchemist with an immense intellect. His wit, alone, is deadly.

Eve-What a horrible night to have a curse.

Eden-Within a person awaits the potential to be…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Street Fighter X Tekken

Abel-A young man that was created and destined to become a replacement body for M. Bison. He was discarded as a faulty product, but managed to survive. In order to find out the truth about his past, he pursues Shadaloo.

Guile-A military man who specializes in hand-to-hand combat. In the past, he had a countless number of encounters in the battlefield, and understands that war requires callousness. While he is not one to talk much, he has a strong sense of justice.

Ken-Trained with Ryu under the tutelage of Gouken, and has since become eternal rivals with his good friend. He is the heir to the Masters Corporation.

Ryu-A wandering street fighter who trains rigorously in order to become a true martial artist. He wishes to test his mettle against…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Castle Crashers

Alien  Prisoner (Alien Hominid)

Alien Gun (Alien Hominid)

Install Ball (Alien Hominid)-Shoots enemies with his photons!

Gold Skull Mace (Newgrounds)  Hatty Hatterson, Golden Whale (BattleBlock Theater)-Occasionally drops gold

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Project Nexus 2



Dad (Dad 'n Me)





Luis, AfroNinja, Ricepirate, and Tom Fulp

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Guppy's Quest

Root (Root & Digby)

Digby (Root & Digby)

Shady (CC & SH)

The Kid (I Wanna Be The Guy)

Captain Viridian (VVVVVV)

Woodle Tree (Woodle Tree Adventures)

Zee Tee (Eversion)

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Meat Boy

Blue Castle Crasher (Castle Crashers)

Gish (Gish)

N [Later called The Ninja] (N)

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Newgeounds Rumble

Alloy (Alloy)-Mason's Bubble Blast

Pico (Pico)-Meat Boy, Guppy's Quest, IGB, Project Nexus 2

P-Bot (Newgrounds)-Meat Boy

Salad Fingers (Salad Fingers)-IGB Guppy's Quest

Alien Hominid (Alien Hominid)-Castle Crashers, Meat Boy, Battle Block Theater, Dino Run

Hank (Madness)-[Blockhead, Pico, P-Bot, Dad (Dad n Me), Tankmen, Egoraptor, Hellbenders, Stamper appear in PN2. Luis, AfroNinja, Ricepirate, and Tom Fulp also appear.

Fancy Pants (Fancy Pants Adventures)-[Fancy Pants Man appears as a playable character in SHIFT 3.

NG Gold Sword (Newgrounds)-Castle Crashers

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Sonic Riders

Aiai-This famous monkey from the Super Monkey Ball series is a Power Type character who doesn't let anything stand in his way when he's blazing through on his Banana Board. He deftly maneuvers through the courses outside of his ball, except for when he goes into attack mode.

Ulala-Pretty in pink with high heels to boot, this outer-space diva from Space Channel 5 dominates the courses as a Speed Type character with plenty of attitude and a ray gun for stunning opponents.

NiGHTS-NiGHTS hails from Nightopia, the land of dreams. NiGHTS is a Flight character that blows opponents away with his ability to take corners at top speeds with his Night Sky Board.

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022

Pokken Tournament + DX profiles

Darkrai-Rule the field and keep the pace of battle in your favor!

Blaziken-With powerful flurries too fast for the eye to see, don’t give your opponents time to catch their breath!

Pikachu-Explode with Pikachu’s favorite move—Thunderbolt!

Lucario-Grasp victory with your ability to adapt to both offense and defense!

Gardevoir-Never allow your opponents to approach as you display a beautiful way of battling!

Pikachu Libre-With the roar of the crowd at your back, overwhelm your opponents with your numerous dynamic moves! Scizor-Smack opponents with stylish and powerful combos!

Croagunk-Taunt your opponents and control the pace of battle! Sceptile-With a wealth of moves and speed, you can cut down any opponent!

Gengar-This trickster has the explosive…

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CrossoverKing96 CrossoverKing96 31 March 2022


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