Crossover History Wikia

After being the center of an attack by the citizens of Newgrounds, Fancy Pants Man left the Newgrounds world resentful of their actions.

Newgrounds Rumble[]



Hank is one of the inhabitants of Newgrounds that have been tasked to kill Fancy Pants, who have conducted a plan to assassinate him. Hank's home world of Nevada is the exact opposite of Fancy Pants Man's world, as characters in the Madness series partake in constant, violent fights, in contrast to Fancy Pants Adventures' family-friendly platform gaming.

Fancy Pants Man's Story Part 3: "We Don't Take Kindly"[]


After defeating Samurai Asshole, Fancy Pants Man knew that someone planned an attack on him. He travels further into Newgrounds, seeking the culprit and defeating their associates until they reveal themselves. Fancy Pants Man begins trying to draw them out by tracking down and defeating P-Bot. Once he is defeated, Fancy Pants Man hacks into P-Bot's systems and discovers that he has been targeted by the heads of Newgrounds due to their hatred of non-violent and innocent video game worlds.

Fancy Pants Man's Story Part 2: "Disassembly Line"[]


Pico is revealed to be the one who sent Fancy Pants the invite in an attempt to kill him. Pico is the ruler of Newgrounds, and while he is hailed as a hero for stopping threats to his world, he hates Fancy Pants because of the contrast between the brutality and vulgarity in his universe, and the cartoony violence in Fancy Pants series. He teams up with Nene in his final attempt to kill Fancy Pants.

Fancy Pants Man's Story Part 4: "An Unlikely Friend"[]


In spite of his reputation as a villain after terrorizing Newgrounds for years, Piconjo helps Fancy Pants when he finds him being attacked by Pico and Nene. In addition to his hatred towards Pico, he sympathizes with Fancy Pants, as he began his life as a stick figure who went on rambunctious adventures like Fancy Pants.


Nene was one of the perpetrators who sent Fancy Pants the fake Ice Cream Day invite. She's a close friend to Pico and helps him in his attempt to kill Fancy Pants. Like Pico, she despises Fancy Pants because of the genteel nature of his world.

Samurai Asshole[]

Fancy Pants Man's Story Part 1: "Ambush'd"[]

Fancy Pants Man was invited by the leaders of the Newgrounds world to celebrate Free Ice Cream Day. While initially optimistic, his positive attitude shifted upon entering Newgrounds, with Samurai Asshole drawing his sword at him. While Fancy Pants Man didn't think Samurai Asshole was the one who sent a fake letter, he knew he was an enemy regardless and fought him off.



After receiving an invitation to Newgrounds' "Free Ice Cream Day," Fancy Pants Man is excited to attend. However, as he enters a portal to the website, he is immediately attacked by Samurai Asshole. He determines Samurai Asshole was unlikely to have to one behind the plan to attack him, and travels further into Newgrounds to find the reason why he was being attacked. Fancy Pants Man battles P-Bot, and upon defeating him, Fancy Pants Man breaks into his systems and discovers that the people of Newgrounds, specifically Pico, are attempting to kill him, as they detest characters from innocent and wholesome series. After thwarting Pico's conspiracy to kill him, Fancy Pants Man leaves with indignation, vowing to never return to Newgrounds, out of fear of the violent emotions this event stirs within him.