Crossover History Wikia

Indie Game Battle is a fighting game created by Blob Game Studios. The game features characters from Blob Game Studios and other games. Characters fight on large stages and have to knock opponents off to win. In their movesets, characters have normal attacks, special attacks, and smash attacks.

Series Represented[]

Series Description
The Legend of the Artifact Matt, Aria, Chip, Dewey, and Wizard appear as playable characters. The Sanctum, The Arena, Mystery Manor, Matt's Room, Winter Wonderland, and Mattyhands appear as stages. Sephylon appears as an assist character.
Cal's Quest Cal appears as a playable character.
Solarblade Sol appears as a playable character.
Emblem Gip and Rex appear as playable characters. Dragon's Shrine and Firkant Express appear as stages.
Electroman Electroman appears as a playable character. Orbit's Lab appears as a stage.
SP World Gontaper appears as a playable character, but was later removed. Water Temple and Paint Sunset Hill appear as stages. Haleaf appears as an assist character.
Fantidote Artist appears as a playable character. Fantidote City appears as a stage.
Jarvis Jarvis appears as a playable character. Mepheron Keep appears as a stage.
Boss 101 Max & STEVE appear as a single playable character.
Poncho Poncho appears as a playable character. Poncho (Stage) appears as a stage.
Super Adventure Pals The Adventure Pals appear as a single playable character.
Bingo the Multiva Bingo appears as a playable character. Verdant Valley appears as a stage.
I Wanna Be The Guy The Kid appears as a playable character.
Epic Battle Fantasy NoLegs appears as a playable character. Temple of Godcat appears as a stage.
Woodle Tree Adventures Woodle Tree appears as a playable character. Woodle Beaver, Woodle Fox, and Woodle Bush were supposed to appear in the game before it was canceled. Woodle's House appears as a stage.
Eversion Zee Tee appears as a playable character. Eversion - World 1 appears as a stage.
VVVVVV Captain Viridian appears as a playable character. VVVVVV appears as a stage.
Pico Pico appears as a playable character.
Goat Simulator Pilgor (Or Goat) appears as a playable character.
Teslagrad Teslakid appears as a playable character.
Dust: An Elsian Tail Dust appears as a playable character.
Salad Fingers Salad Fingers appears as a playable character.
Dreamcatcher Liz was supposed to appear as a playable character, before the game's cancellation. Dream Shrine appears as a stage.
Super Gear Quest Avatar Due were supposed to appear as a single playable character before the game's cancellation.
Galactic Rangers Nico was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Something's Adventure Something appears as a playable character.
Elementica Nick appeared as a playable character, but was removed.
Death Party Ceele was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Lost Realm Edge was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Endworlders Othello was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Nexum Nano appeared as a playable character, but was later removed.
Copy Girl Copy Girl was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Tess Tess was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation. Tess's World appears as a stage.
Sentry Knight Sentry Knight was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Kill the Plumber King Bowler was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Super Chibi Knight Super Chibi Knight was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Clive 'N' Wrench Clive & Wrench were supposed to appear as a single playable character before the game's cancellation.
Monster Crown Pursuit was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Beyond Humanity Shuri was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Madness Combat Hank was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Fist of Awesome Tim Burr was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
McPixel McPixel was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Super Dangerous Dungeons Timmy was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Escape Nicholas was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation. World 2 appears a stage.
Rollergirls from Beyond Ginger was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Wick Lillian was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Frost Bite Climber was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Toribash Tori was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Oka the Neko Oka was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Blanco: The Color of Adventure Blanco was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Blanco: The Color of Adventure Blanco was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Toadie's Adventure Toadie was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Ghost Pals Ghostie was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Purple Pirate Penguin Percyl was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
TheMeatly TheMeatly was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Gem Wars: Attack of the Jiblets Earth Jibbot, Fire Jibbot, Water Jibbot, and Electric Jibbot were supposed to appear as playable characters before the game's cancellation.
Dragonian: The Imbalance of Sierr Rick was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Shady Shady was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Lisa Brad Armstrong was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
OFF The Batter was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
You Have 10 Seconds Ecks was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Stories: The Path of Destinies Reynardo was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
OneShot Niko was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Riddle School Phil was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
SCP Foundation SCP-049 was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Fancy Pants Adventures Fancy Pants was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Duck Game Duck was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Spark the Electric Jester Spark was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.
Enter the Gungeon Bullet Kin was supposed to appear as a playable character before the game's cancellation.

Characters PicoNeneDarnellCassandraPenilian
Locations Pico's SchoolNene's Store
Items Medicinal HerbGun
Crossovers Pico vs Bear (1999) • Newgrounds Rumble (2007) • Meat Boy (map pack) (2008) • Indie Game Battle (2015) Friday Night Funkin' (2020) • Guppy's Quest (TBA)
Crossover Entries Pico's School: Love Conquers All (2021)
Cameos FDA (1999) • Disorderly (2003) • Madness Project Nexus 2 (2021)
Salad Fingers
Characters Salad FingersHubert Cumberdale
Locations The Meat Locker
Items Rusty Spoons
Crossovers saland figers omg (2005) • Newgrounds Rumble (2007) • Indie Game Battle (2015, Canceled) • The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls Requiem (2023) • Guppy's Quest (TBA)
Character Interactions Salad Fingers/Character Interactions
Madness Combat
Characters Hank J. WimbletonJesusHenchmanMinor Characters
Locations Nevada
Crossovers Newgrounds Rumble (2007) • Indie Game Battle (2015)
Crossover Entries Madness Project Nexus 2 (2021)