Crossover History Wikia
Crossover History Wikia
“Ugh. I don't even want to touch that!”

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"My name is Jerry Jackson and I like to make cartoons. Hopefully, one day I will work for Disney."
— Jerry Jackson, Jerry Jackson Episode, BEN IS MY DOGGY

Jerry Jackson is a character from the Jerry Jackson series. He is the protagonist of the Jerry Jackson series. He is a boy who enjoys making flash animations, and aspires to be an animator in adulthood. Typically, the crudely produced animations he creates are a retelling of his day or focus on a particular social issue, and they center on himself, his family, and his friends.


Jerry is a boy from Scuntforp, England, who posts poorly made Flash animations. He is an aspiring animator, and hopes to one day work at Disney[1]. He lives with his parents, brothers, and his dog, Ben. As a result of spoiling Jerry, his mother allows him to smoke cigarettes and buys him video games when he throws tantrums. [2] However, she has expressed the desire to murder Jerry, and admits that only reason she does not is because it is illegal.[3] She is not considered a good cook. During the Jerry Jackson Christmas Special, Jerry and his family threw the dinner she prepared in her face.[4] Jerry's father is an abusive alcoholic,[5] [6] and he takes Jerry with him to rob other people's homes on Christmas. [7] Jerry attends an unnamed school, where he has multiple friends, his best friend being a boy named Jon. The two share a similar sense of humor. In addition to animation, Jerry is a fan of Linkin Park, wishes to be in a band similar to theirs,[8] and claims that he once invited them to his home.[9]

His animations usually retell Jerry's day-to-day life and incorporate his interests. He is a fan of vulgar jokes, and depicts different characters with their genitals exposed. In different episodes, Jerry attempts to discuss social concerns, such as racism, drugs and war. Nevertheless, he does not have a thorough understanding of them, leading him to express views that contradict the intended message he aims to convey.

Character Interactions

Salad Fingers

While Jerry does not directly interact with Salad Fingers, he enjoys how unnerving the series is. In-universe, he created the short SALAND FINDLES as a tribute to the series. While the cartoon is as nonsensical as Jerry's other cartoons, he does input some aspects of the original source material in his cartoon, such as Hubert Cumberdale being a friend of Salad Fingers and Salad Fingers' enjoyment of pain on his fingers.


Flying Lotus

Flying Lotus hosted Jerry on the February 12, 2015 BBC Radio 1 broadcast.[10] While he finds Jerry odd, he allows him to take control of BBC Radio 1. Although he permits Jerry and Jon to ramble on about whatever they wish while hosting, and the end of the first segment, Jerry tries to remain in control of Flying Lotus' residency. Flying Lotus attempts to calm him down as he takes over to initiate a commercial break.

Jerry Jackson's FM dialogue


Jerry is featured in the Jerry Jackson episode, "SALAND FINDLES". Jerry created this animation as a tribute to the Salad Fingers series. In the animation, Jerry voices Salad Fingers and Hubert Cumberdale. Salad Fingers begins the episode by explaining the basics of a Salad Fingers episode; He says he lives in a house, has unsettling appearances, and is often involved with creepy events. A dog approaches Salad Fingers, who he then molests, saying that he feels like paper cuts. The two then play chess, but during their game, the chess board is eaten by a giant monster, which makes Jerry laugh. Salad Fingers then finds he is out of washing detergent, so he goes to the store. Jerry disrupts the cartoon again to state that he made the animation. Salad Fingers meets with Hubert Cumberdale, and the two talk about what shampoo they bought from the shop. Following that, the authorities arrest Salad Fingers for being unnerving.

Jerry Jackson's FM

Jerry Jackson appears as a guest DJ on FlyLo FM's BBC Radio 1 Residency Program, hosting a short segment called Jerry Jackson's FM. Jerry was featured by DJ Flying Lotus, and he conducts a short segment with Jon, who begins by discussing his day. Jon describes waking up and going to the store. He then goes on a tangent about wanting soda with sugar since he is not in need for losing weight. He continues to ramble that his mother says he is so thin that she can see his ribs, and his uncle calls him "skinny ribs" when he tickles him. Jon casually states that this leads to sexual abuse by his uncle. Jerry bluntly emphasizes that he asked Jon about his day and not about any questionable actions caused by his family. The two then read Tweets directed at BBC Radio 1 that talk about Jerry and Jon. One user, Carl, complains about Jerry being featured on the program and declares he won't pay his license fee as a result. He wishes death upon Jerry and hopes his house is infested with flies. Another Twitter user, called DJ Legless, tells Jerry that his friend Lindsey has a crush on Jon, and if she can initiate an intimate relationship with him in the BBC Radio 1 studio, which excites Jon. As the two sign off, Jerry attempts to assume the role of the new host for FlyLo FM, although he is stopped by Flying Lotus.

The next segment begins with Jerry praising DJ Fetchin Carl's remix. Following this, he goes on a rant proclaiming that the segment on BBC Radio 1 is his show and threatens those who do not believe him. Jon intervenes and tells Jerry that he shouldn't threaten the audience. Jerry apologizes, but continues to assert that those who don't believe him won't confront him because they're afraid. Jerry introduces the show, continuing to threaten those who don't believe him with violence. He then signs off of the show, and thanks Jon for co-hosting, asking him what he thought of the episode. Jon claims that being featured on the episode has given him a new perspective on the world and a new meaning to his existence. He then tells the audience to listen to another radio station.

Waller FM


  1. Jerry Jackson, Episode 2: "BEN IS MY DOGGY" Jerry: "My name is Jerry Jackson, and I like to make cartoons. Hopefully, one day I will work for Disney."
  2. Jerry Jackson, Episode 13: "FOOD WAT WE EAT", Jerry: "That is okay, Telly, I know you are really busy. You probably work harder than my mum, who hardly works at all. That is why we are on low income." Jerry's Mum: "Jerry Jackson, what a horrible thing to say! I am trying my hardest to raise you." Jerry: "Fuck off, mum. Get me another Xbox game. This time I want a good one, not that shit bollocks you bought me last time, that was shit. I haven't even played it twice." Jerry's Mum: "Yes, Jerry Jackson, anything for you, my little angel." Jerry: "My mum was going to stop smoking when she had me as a baby, but then she decided not to. I think that is her decision and her choice and it is okay. 'Cause I am not ill, but I could really use a ciggy right now." Jerry's Mum: "Jerry Jackson, you know my ciggies are in the purse. So, if you just need one, then just get one, and I will turn a blind eye." Jerry: "That is what I like about living at home. I get treated like a prince and my mum lets me smoke ciggies."
  3. Jerry Jackson, Episode 19: "LIFE + DEATH" Jerry's Mum: "Oh no! Jerry, I can hear what you are saying about my private area, and, oh no, Jerry, I really just do not know what to do with you. Some days, I think I will just end your life, but I probably won't because that would be illegal."
  4. Jerry Jackson, Episode 12: "CRISTMUS SPECAL, Jerry: "Later that day, we threw our dinner at mum 'cause she can't cook."
  5. Jerry Jackson, Episode 15: "WELL BOARD 2DAY", Jerry: "The thing is, I am not scared of any of the teachers, and if they tell me off, it is funny cause I've been told off like five hundred thousand times worse at home. And I have been hit at home and the teachers in the school, they cannot hit you.
  6. Jerry Jackson, Episode 15: "WELL BOARD 2DAY", Jerry: "When I got home from school, my dad had finished his vodka." Jerry's Dad: "The alcohol is really taking a hold of me. I cannot face the world without any."
  7. Jerry Jackson, Episode 17: "CHRISMAS SPECAIL #2", Jerry: "On Christmas Day, it is well easy to rob people's houses cause there is lots of good telly on and they are paying attention. My dad lets me smoke a cigar when we go out robbing at Christmas."
  8. Jerry Jackson, Episode 3 "LINKEN PARK" Jerry: "When I am older, I am going to be in a metal band like Linkin Park."
  9. Jerry Jackson, Episode 3: "LINKEN PARK" Jerry: "Hello, my name is Jerry Jackson. This is a Flash tribute to when Linkin Park came to my house one day. It is a true story." Linkin Park: "Hello there, Jerry Jackson. You are that famous animator from what's on the internet. So, can we come to your house?" Jerry: "Then Linkin Park went up to my bedroom with me, and we played on Pokémon Green."
  10. Jerry Jackson's FaceBook page

Jerry Jackson
Characters Jerry JacksonJonMinor Characters
Crossovers saland figers omg (2005) • Jerry Jackson's FM (2015)