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“Ugh. I don't even want to touch that!”

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"Oh no, I don't have a favorite color, because all colors are equal, racial equalities."
— Jerry Jackson, Jerry Jackson Episode, WARS OFF THE EARTH

Jon Dinnar[1] is a character from the Jerry Jackson series. He is a boy of French descent who is Jerry Jackson's best friend. He shares in Jerry's unconventional and absurd sense of humor, often engaging in nonsensical conversations with him.


Jon is one of Jerry's friends from school. He lives with his mother, while his father is absent from his life, as he has fled due to his fear of ghosts.[2] In addition, he is in a relationship with a girl named Sady, whose family Jerry looks down on.[3] Jerry claims that Jon's mother takes drugs and is a reckless driver.[4] According to Jerry, in Jon's religion, he is not allowed to show his hair in public.[5] As Jerry's best friend, he is typically compliant with Jerry's jokes and plans.

If he does something that Jerry does not want to do, Jerry will stop him from doing so. In "CRISTMUS SPECAL", Jerry shows Jon that that he received video games for Christmas, Jon tells Jerry that he received toothpaste and Toilet Duck for Christmas, but he would rather play video games with Jerry. Jerry insults Jon and declines, stating that he only possesses one video game controller.[6] In the episode "MY F*R*E*I*N*D*'S", Jon requests a Disney animation video recording to borrow from Jerry in order to emulate Jerry's ambitions of becoming an animator. Jerry declines, stating that Disney does not hire individuals who possess "funny-shaped heads."[7] In "MARIO BRO'S PARONDY", Jerry creates a flash animation that parodies Super Mario Bros.. When Jon questions if the viewer will understand the jokes if they had not played the game, Jerry asserts that every person watching the animation has done so, and then degrades Jon.[8] Jon accompanies Jerry for a music festival in "Jerry Jackson gets messy at Scunthorpe music festival". Jerry complains that he is unfamiliar with the performers at the music festival, to which Jon explains that Scunthorpe's budget was limited to funding those specific artists. Jerry fires Jon and proceeds to hire a new replacement.[9] When Jerry is bored in the episode "WELL BORED 2DAY", Jerry goes over to Jon's house, Jon offers to invite him to a game of cards he and his mother were playing, which he refuses.[10] When Jerry befriends a boy named Steven, Steven tells Jerry that he can no longer be friends with Jon on the grounds that Steven suspects Jon of being Jewish and therefore "impure." Although Jon denies being Jewish, he concurs with the notion that he is immoral and consents to abstain from further contact with him.[11] In "Religion", Jerry makes a joke at Jon's mother's expense, saying that she ought to be referred to as "Miss Carriage" due to her recurrent miscarriages. Following a short delay, Jon's demeanor shifts and says he needs to have a conversation about his joke. As they sit, Jon states that he doesn't understand what the joke means, Jerry replies that he was calling her fat, to which Jon agrees.[12] Jerry depicts Jon as the punchline of the joke by illustrating him as having genitalia in his mouth. Jon informs Jerry that that joke is not acceptable for the episode. Jerry is adamant that it remain and argues that it imparts a valuable life lesson, so Jon agrees to its retention.[13]

Despite this, Jerry does not completely dictate and dominate their friendship. In "LINKEN PARK", Jon tells Jerry he has big eyes, which causes Jerry to cry.[14] Jon states in the episode "SEXES IN MY BEDROOMS" that he has had sexual relations prior to his birth. While Jerry does not believe him, he states that he cannot prove Jon wrong.[15] In "WELL BORED 2DAY", Jerry reveals that he gets in trouble in school because of Jon, saying Jon frequently makes crude jokes during class. When the teacher calls on Jerry to answer the question, he can't recall what the teacher said, getting him sent to the principal's office.[16]

They two have been shown to have a more amicable relationship with one another; in "CHRISMAS SPECAIL #2", Jerry has not been given anything for Christmas, so Jon offers gives him an orange covered in sticks, matches, and feces. Jerry politely declines the gift, as he already possesses one and considers his possession of multiple oranges to be unfair to others.[17] When Jerry's brother, Casper, takes over the role as the show's host, Jon rejects Casper's advances towards friendship and retreats from him when Casper places his arm around Jon's shoulder. Casper subsequently threatens Jon for inquiring about his medical history, prompting Jon to flee.[18]Jerry endeavors to enlighten his audience about global affairs in "A leson of LERNING" While he counts down the victims for a news segment, he transitions the camera to Jon, who is providing sports coverage. Jon says that the entire team has been dead for years and has been replaced with plastic dogs. Jon then hosts a segment on mathematics in which he defines mathematical equations and nonsensical terms.[19]

Jerry Jackson's FM[]

Jon appears in Jerry Jackson's FM, as a co-host of the segment alongside Jerry. As the segment begins, Jerry introduces Jon to the audience, who states that he doesn't know what to say as he has never been on the radio before. Jerry suggests that Jon tells the audience about his day. Jon says that he woke up and went to the store and accidently bought a diet soda instead of the regular kind. He then rambles that he is not watching his weight, he is skinny, so much so, that his mother says that his ribs are showing on his body. He than talks about how his uncle calls him "skinny ribs" and tickles him, which leads to his uncle sexually assaulting him.[20] Jerry responds that he did not ask about inappropriate occurrences within his family, but rahter how his day was, and the two move on to the next topic, reading Tweets that were sent to them.[21] In a particular tweet addressed to Jon, the friend of the person posing the question expresses her attraction to him and requests permission to visit the studio in order to have sex with him. When Jerry inquires about Jon's reaction to Lindsay's query, he replies that he is aroused and longs to see her. Jerry then signs off, attempting to take over the BBC Radio 1 program as the host.[22]

Later on as the program is ending, Flying Lotus lets Jerry host the segment again. Jerry promotes a song, and then tells Jon to refer to him as "DJ Jerry Jackson" from now on, to which Jon agrees.[23] Jerry continues to ramble, asserting that he is the new host of Flying Lotus' program, threatening to assault those who do not believe him.[24] Jon interrupts Jerry, stating that he doesn't think that Jerry should threaten the audience. Jerry apologizes, but continues to contend that he is the host of the show and make threats towards the audience. He then announces the end of the broadcast, thanking Jon for co-hosting the segment. He asks Jon his thoughts on the episode. Jon responds by saying that it gave him a new understanding to life, and that he wants to listen to the episode again. He then tells the viewer to leave and listen to something else.[25]


  1. Jerry Jackson, Episode 21: "A leson of LERNING" (2020)
  2. Jerry Jackson, Episode 20: "RELIGION" (2019) Jerry: "Plus, your dad ran away." Jon: "He is scared of ghosts."
  3. Jerry Jackson, Episode 13: "FOOD WAT WE EAT" (2008) Jerry: "Sady lives in a house what has dog wee and trump smells when you walk in. Oh no! It smells like you have been cookin' a pork dinner about 3 years ago and you have not cleaned it up yet." Jerry: "Everyone in this family looks proper ill, like you are all on heroin." Sady's Dad: "Jerry Jackson, we do not have maybes the same money what your family has." Jerry Jackson: "All they can afford is chips and Coca-Cola, when if they had more money they could buy lettuce and carrots.
  4. Jerry Jackson, Episode 16: "DRUG'S WE TAKE" Jerry: "Jon's mum takes drugs, and runs over people and dogs in her fast car."
  5. Jerry Jackson, Episode 20: "RELIGION" (2019) Jerry: "Jon isn't allowed to show his hair because it turns the ladies on too much, and their fanny juice falls out and it makes the road too slippery and it is a hazard for the traffic."
  6. Jerry Jackson, Episode 16: "CRISTMUS SPECAL" (2006) Jerry: "For my Christmas, I got a Xbox 400 and a million games! What did you get, Jon?" Jon: "I got a toothpaste, and Toilet Duck for the bathroom. 'Cause it needs cleaning and my mum says I have to clean it, but I don't want to, I want to play computer games with Jerry Jackson." Jerry: "No, Jon, I've only got one pad, and I'm not sharing, 'cause you're gay."
  7. Jerry Jackson, Episode 7: "My F*R*E*I*N*D*'S" (2006) Jerry: "I have been watching Disney training videos, so my animations will be loads better from now on." Jon: "Can I borrow that video? Because I want to be right good at animating like you are." Jerry: "No, I'm sorry Jon, they do not employ people that have funny shaped heads."
  8. Jerry Jackson, Episode 9: "MARIO BRO'S PARONDY" (2006) Jon: "I'm not sure that people will understand the complex humor in this parondies cause maybe they have not played the computer games, and there is an irony that is being missed." Jerry: "Jon, it is okay because everyone has played their computer games. You're gay, everyone has played them."
  9. Jerry Jackson, Episode 14: "Jerry Jackson gets messy at Scunthorpe music festival" (2009) Jerry: "This year, I am here at the Scunthorpe Music Summer Festival, and we're going to see Linkin Park." Jon: ": Jerry, I don't think Linkin Park are playing the Scunthorpe Festival this year." Jerry: "Well what, who are playing then?" Jon: "Phats and Small on the main stage, and there is Doop, Lou Bega, Rolf Harris, and Kate Nash." Jerry: "Jon, this is bollocks. Why did we go to this bollocks festival? I have not heard of any of them." Jon: "Jerry, this is all the budget would allow." Jerry: "Jon has just been recently sacked. We are now holding auditions for a new Jon."
  10. Jerry Jackson, Episode 15: "WELL BORED 2DAY" Jerry: "So I went round to Jon's house." Jon: "Hello, Jerry Jackson. I am just playing cards with my mum. Would you like to play?" Jerry: "No, not really. No, Jon."
  11. Jerry Jackson, Episode 19: "LIFE + DEATH" (2011) Jerry: "Jon, my friend Steven says that you are a Jew, and we are not allowed to hang around with Jews because they are not the pure people of our society." Jon: "No, it is not true that I am a Jew, I am French. But, I still think that you are probably right, I am not very pure at the moment. But, I am working on my purity."
  12. Jerry Jackson, Episode 20: "RELIGION" (2019) Jerry: "Take two Jews and mix it with a Pope and a half, and then dip in your special litmus strip, and see what the color is. If it's green, then that means that Jon's mum is pregnant again." Jon: "Oh no!" Jerry: "Jon's mum shouldn't be called 'Miss Jon', she should be called 'Miss Carriage', 'cause that is what she's always having!" Jon: "...Jerry, I think we need to have a little discussion about that joke." Jerry: "Okay, Jon, what is the problem?" Jon: "I don't get it." Jerry: "I was saying that your mum is fat." Jon: "Oh! Yeah, she is a bit fat, yes."
  13. Jerry Jackson, Episode 20: "RELIGION" Jerry: "There is no learning in this bit of the episode, but Jon has got loads of knobs in his mouth. That was the bit where Jon had loads of knobs in his mouth." Jon: "Jerry, I don't think we should put that bit in the final cut of the episode, because it might make me look a little bit homo sapien." Jerry: "Thank you for your comments, we are doing everything we can to resolve this iss- actually, Jon, no, bollocks to you, it is definitely going in. 'Cause it teaches a valuable lesson about life." Jon: "Okay, Jerry, I guess it is a good thing to set an example."
  14. Jerry Jackson, Episode 3: "LINKEN PARK" (2005) Jerry: "One day I was at school, and my friend Jon said I have big eyes, and it made me really sad so I came home and I listened to my Linkin Park CDs."
  15. Jerry Jackson, Episode 8: "SEXES IN MY BEDROOMS" (2006) Jerry: "My friend Jon says that he has had sex thirteen times, and he had sex before he was born. Could I call him a liar? Yes, but I have no grounds to prove that he hasn't."
  16. Jerry Jackson, Episode 15: "WELL BORED 2DAY" (2009) Jerry: "Everyday, I get thrown out of the class but it was always Jon's fault cause he is making me smell his bumhole finger, and it is really funny sometimes. But, it is not a good thing when I'm trying my hardest to concentrate, and I am the one who is laughing, but it is not funny anymore. It is still is funny though, because when I'm at the headmaster's office, I tried not to laugh still cause it is still the right funniest thing I've ever seen."
  17. Jerry Jackson, Episode 17: "CHRISMAS SPECAIL #2" (2009) Jon: "Jerry, don't worry. I have got you a present. Would you like this orange what has bits of sticks and matches and some poo in it?" Jerry: "No thank you, Jon. I have already got one and I don't think it's fair that I have more than one."
  18. Jerry Jackson, Episode 18: "CASPER JKACSON" (2010) Casper: "This is my best friend, Jon." Jon: "I don't really know you, do I?" Casper: "No, but you know Jerry and there is definitely a connection. Can you not see the simblarence?" Jon: "If I squint, then I'd say you look a bit like Sting, if you know what I mean." Casper: "Yes I do. Ha ha!" Jon: "Oh no, Casper Jackson. I don't think this is going to work. That wasn't supposed to be a joke, and you are not supposed to make laughing sounds what are annoying." Casper: "I have got older brother syndrome." Jon: "Have you not thought of going to the doctor's to get it checked out?" Casper: "Jon, seriously. I can hit boys who are younger than me and it does hurt my fist. There is one thing that pisses off and it is when people get into my medical business."
  19. Jerry Jackson, Episode 21: "A leson of LERNING" (2020) Jerry: "Oh no, the top stories tonight. Man dead, woman dead, lady dead, dog dead, 2 four dogs have dead, Jon's dead, body found, missing body, missing dog dead, old couple stabbed, strangled, murdered, dead bodies, four more dead dogs, a dead cat, pigeons, dogs, and dead bastards and, oh, this man's a bastard. Look at this bastard. And in lighter news today there has been a dog stuck in a tree in Rotherham. I think it's dead. Here is Jon with the sport." Jon: "Jerry, the sportsmen have all been dead for years. No one has noticed. They have been replaced with little plastic dogs. Horse racing has been cancelled." Jerry: "Thank you, Jon. That was a really good update on the world of the sport and how everyone is sports. I'm bored of doing the news now. That was my news bit. Thank you. "Maths". This is a quick module on the matics of the math." Jon: "Thank you, Jerry. Astrocolarium. This is a Pontultrilogiax, and here is a Bungultengeesh. These are all complex things what you probably do not know about. If we calculate the edge of this to the square route of this number over here, and some numbers and letters together, so that it looks really confusing, put things in brackets and look, you have got the answer. 7899999922484444444478489825b and a C G A. That is the answer to a really hard question about sums."
  20. Jerry Jackson's FM (2015) Jerry: "Hello there, and welcome back to 'Jerry Jackson on the Radio', featuring Jon. This is my mate, Jon. Say hello, Jon." Jon: "Hello, Jerry. I have never been on the radio before, so I do not know what to say." Jerry: "Jon, why don't you tell us about your day so far? Have you done much?" Jon: "Jerry, no, I have not done much, I just got up, basically, then I went down to the shop to get some filters and some papers, and I had a can of fizzy pop, but I got the wrong type of fizzy pop, but I bought the wrong type of fizzy pop and it tasted horrible, it was the diet one when I really wanted to get the normal one with full sugar. 'Cause, I am not watching my weight. I am actually too skinny, my mum says that I am well skinny and that you can see my ribs all the time, and sometimes my uncle calls me 'skinny ribs' when he tickles me. And sometimes the tickle develops into something a little bit more than that and I do not, with my young mind, I do not understand what is going on."
  21. Jerry Jackson's FM (2015) Jerry: "Jon, what I asked was, the day. Not, like, dodgy stuff what is going in your family. Can you just say that again?" Jon: "Yes, Jerry, I am having a great day. So far, it's been lovely." Jerry: "Brilliant, Jon. Now, let's go over to the Tweets, because, I mean, what else can we do?"
  22. Jerry Jackson's FM (2015) Jerry: "Oh, look, we have got another Tweet coming in, live from DJ Legless and it says: 'Jerry, my mate Lindsay proper fancies Jon, and can she come down to the studio and get off with him?' Oh, this is getting a bit red-hot and spicy here. Jon, what do you think of that?" Jon: "Oh no, Jerry, that sounds well good. I do not even know what Lindsay looks like, but I am getting a proper boner for thinking about that, a spicy one. She better get down here quick. Otherwise, I'll have to go to the toilet and rub it out." Jerry: "That is sexy, on the radio, very sexy stuff, live happening on the radio here. This is Jerry Jackson and Jon, featuring Jon, on the Flying Lotus program, featuring Jerry Jackson and Jon. And Flying Lotus is a guest on our program, and you might get on the program again, Mr. Flying Lotus, if you behave yourself, but only if you behave yourself."
  23. Jerry Jackson's FM (2015) Flying Lotus: "Now, it's almost time to go already. I leave you in the hands of Jerry Jackson, once again." Jerry: "Did you check out that phat remix there from DJ Fetching Carl, who has got his brother in a washing machine? It is the song of the decade so far. Hello, my name is the Jerry of the Jackson, that is 'DJ Jerry Jackson From What Is On The Radio' to you, Jon." Jon: "Okay, Jerry, I'll call you that from now on."
  24. Jerry Jackson's FM (2015) Jerry: "This is my show. Do not let anyone tell you that it is not my show, 'cause if they do, then they are wrong, 'cause, how can they prove that it is not my show, when I am here on the show, and you are listening to the show? That is the way I know it is my show, and it has not to do with you, and if you have got a problem with that, then why don't you come down to Jerry Jackson's Studios in Orlando, Florida, and start up with me? And we will have a fight, and I will show you, I'll knock your block off, I'll, I'll proper parker you."
  25. Jerry Jackson's FM (2015) Jon: "Jerry, I do not think you should randomly insult and threaten the audience." Jerry: "Sorry. All I am saying is this is my show, and you cannot prove that it isn't. And if you want to bring that over here, then, you can very much go and do that, and you won't do it either, because I know you are proper scared. What I am trying to say is 'Welcome to the show'. But seriously, if you start that again, I really will, I will get hard. I will get punchin'. I will punch your block off. I will punch your nose in. Right into the back of your face so it is a different shape from what it was before, but it is still a nose, 'cause it has got snots coming out of it. Oh no! It looks like this is coming to an end now, and just when we were getting to the good stuff. Thank you to my friend, Jon, for being on the episode. What did you think, Jon?" Jon: "Jerry, I have found a new meaning to my life and a new understand of the world thanks to this episode of 'Jerry Jackson's FM'. I want to listen to it again and again. Maybe I will buy the DVD when it comes out. If it comes out. I don't think it will come out. Go away now, and listen to something else."

Jerry Jackson
Characters Jerry JacksonJonMinor Characters
Crossovers saland figers omg (2005) • Jerry Jackson's FM (2015)