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“Ugh. I don't even want to touch that!”

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Jerry Jackson


Ben is Jerry Jackson's pet dog, who has the ability to speak. He was introduced in the episode BEN MY DOGGIE. Jerry explains that Ben has a crane that he uses to drive over buildings, and that he recounts an incident when Ben got into a fight with a cat named Spider-Man for denying him access to his crane. [1] He is later offered a cigarette by The X Man. He acknowledges that he shouldn't take it, but cannot resist the allure of nicotine.[2] At the end of the episode, Ben reveals to Jon that he has a knife hidden in a box, and uses it to kill a boy.[3]

In his further appearances, Ben generally exhibits typical canine behavior. Ben once accompanied Jerry to his school, but the faculty ordered him to return Ben to his house.[4] Ben lives in a suitcase rather than a kennel, and has been neutered.[5] He has a habit of sniffing strangers' genitals, in order to determine whether they are in possession of narcotics.[6]

There are instances in which Ben is shown as being employed or exhibiting human-like behavior. Aside from possessing crane operation skills, he has also participated in the Iraq War and has enjoyed his role as a soldier. He asserts that the war was justified and attributes its inception to an Iraqi man's theft of weaponry from Britain. [7]

Ben makes a cameo appearance in SALAND FINDLES. At the end of the episode, Jerry advertises the next episode, which features Ben.

Miss Jon

Miss Jon, also known as Jon's Mum, is the mother of Jon. She is an overweight woman who appears topless. She does not care for maintaining a healthy diet; Jon justifies this by attributing it to her health issues, but Jerry argues that it is due to her consumption of a substantial amount of hamburgers.[9] She takes drugs, resulting in impaired driving abilities that lead to her running over pedestrians and animals.[10] [11] She has had numerous pregnancies, which often end in miscarriages.[12]

In Jerry Jackson's FM, she is mentioned by Jon as he recollects his day. He explains that he was disappointed that he bought diet soda, stating that he has no need to consume it since he is not overweight, to the extent that his mother remarks on his thin physique.[13]

Mel Gibson's Safari


Aboriginies[14] are enemies in Mel Gibson's Safari 3. They are a satirical representation of Indigenous Australians, depicting them in a stereotypical tribal manner. They are hostile to the protagonist, Mel Gibson, and coming in contact with them causes Gibson to lose a life. As some act as obstacles that prevent the player from proceeding in the game, the player must shoot them to eliminate them and proceed to the next screen. They are worth 100 points when successfully shot.

An Indigenous Australian makes a cameo appearance in the fifth Burnt Face Man episode, "Burnt Face Man Has Quit". Footage from Mel Gibson's Safari 3 is used when Burnt Face Man reviews the game. Unlike his capabilities in the original game, Mel Gibson jumps over the Indigenous Australian to avoid him.


Animals are enemies in Mel Gibson's Safari 3. They are elephants that are native to the Australian wilderness, and are the main target of Mel Gibson in the game. While some are passive and can be spared, the majority are combative, and will charge at the player on sight. If the hostile elephants come in contact with Mel Gibson, he will lose a life. Animals are worth 100 points when shot.

An animal makes a cameo appearance in the fifth Burnt Face Man episode, "Burnt Face Man Has Quit". Burnt Face Man reviews Mel Gibson's Safari 3, with video sourced from the original game. At the end of his review, an animal approaches Mel Gibson, with Gibson cautioning the player to be wary for it.

Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson is a parodic representation of the real life celebrity of the same name. Gibson is the protagonist of the fictitious Mel Gibson's Safari series,[16] where he guides the player through a hunt in Australia's safari, violently confronting Indigenous people and animals who approach him. As the game was made as a joke, it has no ending; the game shows a fake system crash if the player reaches a certain screen or if the player loses all of their lives.

Gibson makes a cameo appearance in the fifth Burnt Face Man episode, "Burnt Face Man Has Quit", in which Burnt Face Man reviews Mel Gibson's Safari 3. After retiring from the superhero industry, Burnt Face Man starts playing the game due to being outshined by another superhero, Slightly Bruised Man. Edited footage from the original game shows Gibson evading enemies and hazards until encountering an elephant, which Gibson cautions the player against.


  1. Jerry Jackson, Episode 2: BEN IS MY DOGGY (2005) Jerry: "This is my dog, Ben. He has got a crane what is really big, and sometimes he cranes over buildings and things. One day, Ben, my dog, had a fight with a cat called Spider-Man, and he said, 'Oh no! I am not your friend anymore, 'cause you won't let me play with your crane'."
  2. Jerry Jackson, Episode 2: BEN IS MY DOGGY (2005) The X Man: "Would you like a cigarette, Ben?" Ben: "I shouldn't really have a cigarette, but the temptation of nicotine is too great for me."
  3. Jerry Jackson, Episode 2: BEN IS MY DOGGY (2005) Jon: "Ben, what have you got in that box?" Ben: "I have got a knife in this box, and I am going to go and stab a little boy with it." [Ben run towards a boy with the knife and stabs him]
  4. Jerry Jackson, Episode 4: THE RACES WE HAVE (2005) Jerry: "One day, I took my dog to school, and I was told to go home and take him back."
  5. Jerry Jackson, Episode 12: CRISTMUS SPECAL (2007) Jerry: "Ben, my dog, that is a rate nice suitcase. Have you had any sex in there?" Ben: "No, Jerry, I got my willy chopped off, so I would not be sexually rowdy."
  6. Jerry Jackson, Episode 21: A leson of LERNING, (2020) Jerry: "My dog Ben sniffs most things. Don't sniff that lady's fanny." Ben: "I am sniffing for drugs. Your snatch is clean, lady. You are free to go, madam." Lady: "Thank you, Ben."
  7. Jerry Jackson, Episode 6: WARS OFF THE EARTH (2005) Jerry: "My dog, Ben, was in the war. He said it was lots of fun." Ben: "I think war is a good thing, 'cause the Iraqi man took some weapons from us and we want to get them back."
  8. Jerry Jackson, Episode 20: "RELIGION" (2019) Jerry: "Plus, your dad ran away." Jon: "He is scared of ghosts."
  9. Jerry Jackson, Episode 13, "FOOD WAT WE EAT" (2008) Jerry: "Jon's mum is rate fat 'cos she eats too many burgers." Jon: "Oh no, Jerry, that is not true, my mum is fat 'cos she has problems."
  10. Jerry Jackson, Episode 16: "DRUG'S WE TAKE" (2009) Jerry: "Jon's mum takes drugs, and runs over people and dogs in her fast car."
  11. I used to make games, David Firth, 2023. Footage starts at 9:23.
  12. Jerry Jackson, Episode 20: "Religion" Jerry: "Jews is acidic but the pope is alkaline. That is the main difference between the two. Experingments. Take 2 Jews and mix it with a pope and a half and then dip in your special lip moss strip, and see what the colour is. If it's green then that means that Jon's mum is pregnant again."
  13. Jerry Jackson's FM (2015) Jerry: "Jon, why don't you tell us about your day so far? Have you done much?" Jon: "Jerry, no, I have not done much, I just got up, basically, then I went down to the shop to get some filters and some papers, and I had a can of fizzy pop, but I got the wrong type of fizzy pop, but I bought the wrong type of fizzy pop and it tasted horrible, it was the diet one when I really wanted to get the normal one with full sugar. 'Cause, I am not watching my weight. I am actually too skinny, my mum says that I am well skinny and that you can see my ribs all the time, and sometimes my uncle calls me 'skinny ribs' when he tickles me."
  14. Mel Gibson's Safari 3, (2005) Mel Gibson: "If you get any shit from animals or Aborigines then just shoot the mothers by pressing CTRL"
  15. I used to make games, David Firth, 2023. "Christian accurately provided the voice of Mel Gibson.
  16. I used to make games, David Firth, 2023. Firth: "Mel Gibson is the protagonist here, on safari it would seem." Footage starts at 3:22.

Jerry Jackson
Characters Jerry JacksonJonMinor Characters
Crossovers saland figers omg (2005) • Jerry Jackson's FM (2015)