Crossover History Wikia

This is a List of Minor Characters originating from Newgrounds Franchises. This list contains characters who make minor appearances or are mentioned in crossover works.



The Alien was the original owner of the transformative suit Justin Case wears to transform into Alloy. Its suit was confiscated by Mason City's conglomerate SumoCorp, who attempted to reverse engineer the suit's technology. The dying Alien successfully broke into SumoCorp and took the suit back.[1] Eventually, it would meet Justin, and it gave the boy its suit before dying. Under the guise of Alloy, Justin uses the suit's powers to protect Mason City.

The Alien is briefly mentioned in Alloy's character profile[2] and ending[3] in Newgrounds Rumble.

Madness Combat[]


Agents are members of the 1337 Crew, a subsect of the Agency Against Hank Wimbleton. Like Grunts, Agents are tasked with killing Hank J. Wimbleton. Being of a higher position then Grunts, they are slightly more competent in battle. Their ability in battle led to the 1337 Crew replacing Grunts with Agents as frontline soldiers in later episodes.

Two Agents make a cameo in Newgrounds Rumble. They appear in the Nevada stage, on an enlistment poster. This is a reference to the enlistment posters in Madness Apotheosis.

Telebubby Fun Land[]



  1. Recoil by MindChamber on MindChamber: "It was nice to draw Recoil again.. he's the antagonist to Alloy.. Built by SumoCorp, he was the result of the companies Attempt to reverse engineer the Alien Suit before the Alien got away with it.. Now the Company attempts to distance itself from the Recoil Project, and their failed attempt to privatize the city's police with it.. but in secret, they have bigger plans. They set him out to attack Alloy and test his abilities while attempting to further advance Recoils tech, and well as try to reveal Alloy's identity,"
  2. Newgrounds Rumble, Alloy's profile, "The story of Alloy was born when a young boy discovered an alien robotic suit granting him immense power."
  3. Newgrounds Rumble, Alloy's ending. "When the Hominid turned out to bear no connection to the alien planet on which his suit was forged, Alloy's search hit another dead end."
Characters AlloyCyberPitzMinor Characters
Locations Mason City
Crossovers Newgrounds Rumble (2007)
Cameos Mason's Bubble Blast 2 (2001)
Madness Combat
Characters Hank J. WimbletonJesusHenchmanMinor Characters
Locations Nevada
Crossovers Newgrounds Rumble (2007) • Indie Game Battle (2015)
Crossover Entries Madness Project Nexus 2 (2021)