Crossover History Wikia
“Ugh. I don't even want to touch that!”

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You have now reached the end of the corridor, it would be a good idea to have a drag of the medicinal herb right now.
Pico's School Walkthrough, Pico For Dumbasses,[1][2]

The Medicinal Herb is an item from the Pico series. It is a cannabis cigarette that has healing properties, and it completely restores the health of the person inhaling it when smoked. It can be found in hidden areas in the Pico series.


In Pico's School, the Medicinal Herb could be found within a locker during Cassandra's massacre at the school. Pico has the ability to add the Medicinal Herb to his inventory. When selected, Pico will smoke it, replenishing his health bar completely. There is only one Medicinal Herb in the game, and once it has been used, the locker will no longer contain the Medicinal Herb.

In the alternate reality of Pico's School: Love Conquers All, Pico can share the Medicinal Herb with Cassandra as a gesture of friendship.

Pico vs Bear

The Medicinal Herb appears as an item in Pico vs Bear. After Pico kills Hoe-Joe, he can enter the den, where Shadow will attempt to eat parts of his health bar. After defeating her by shooting the light, a Medicinal Herb will fall out of it, fully healing Pico.

Titty is also shown smoking a Medicinal Herb.


Characters PicoNeneDarnellCassandraPenilian
Locations Pico's SchoolNene's Store
Items Medicinal HerbGun
Crossovers Pico vs Bear (1999) • Newgrounds Rumble (2007) • Meat Boy (map pack) (2008) • Indie Game Battle (2015) Friday Night Funkin' (2020) • Guppy's Quest (TBA)
Crossover Entries Pico's School: Love Conquers All (2021)
Cameos FDA (1999) • Disorderly (2003) • Madness Project Nexus 2 (2021)