Crossover History Wikia
“Ugh. I don't even want to touch that!”

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I have herpes! I look awful! It looks like there's only one thing I can do! I must die with honor! HARI KARI!!!
— Nene, Nene Interactive Suicide

Nene is a character from the Pico series. One of Pico's closest friends, she is a promiscuous girl who has suicidal tendencies. She is shown to be skilled at using knives in battle.


The original Pico website listed Nene's characteristics as having A.D.D., herpes, being a suicidal sadomasochist, enjoying necrophilia and bestiality, and being lactose intolerant.[1] She made her first appearance in Nene Interactive Suicide. In the game, she awakes to find that she has herpes, after spending the night kissing her prom date. Rather than face public humiliation, Nene decides to end her life.

Nene made her second appearance in Pico's School. A group of goth kids have taken over the school Pico and Nene attend. After Pico defeats Alucard and Cyclops, Nene runs into Pico. Terrified by the violence in the school, Nene requests Pico to kill her. Whether or not he does this is up to the player.

Since then, Nene has been portrayed as a close friend and ally to Pico in various flash games and animations. She was one of the kids who helped him defeat nefarious groups such as the Uberkids.

Character Profiles

Newgrounds Rumble-Long dismissed as a hanger-on in Pico's shadow, Nene has entered the battle for King of the Portal to prove that she's more than just the token girl saving the group from 'sausage party' status.

Character Interactions

Nene/Character Interactions


Nene makes two cameo appearances in the FDA series. In the third episode, FDA: Santa Dogg she can be seen wearing a Christmas outfit. In the fifth episode FDA Before Christmas, she is shown dressed as Shock from The Nightmare Before Christmas, singing This Is FDA, a parody of This Is Halloween.

Newgrounds Rumble

Nene appears as a playable character in Newgrounds Rumble. She has strong attacks and high health, but her attacks are slow overall. She uses hand-to-hand combat in her fighting style, and throws knives from The Perfect Murder for her Gun pickup. In her story, Nene fights to prove that she's more than just the only girl in the world of Newgrounds icons. Her first fight is against Salad Fingers, as she has confused his addiction to touching rusty objects with a desire to sexually harass people. Her second fight is against Samurai Asshole, as she feels he has gotten too egotistical about his sword skills. Her third fight is a recreation of the flash movie Pico vs. Convict, in which Nene assists Pico defeating a shape-shifting villain known as Convict. Her final battle is against Pico. The truth that Nene was the one who defeated Convict is revealed to the public.. Wanting to protect his status in Newgrounds, Pico tries to kill Nene. In her ending, while she is crowned King of the Portal, Nene is unable to deal with pressures in her position of power. While she commits suicide, Convict takes her form, allowing him to disguise himself and destroy Newgrounds.

Action/Event Description Reference Origin
Nene's Story part 1: Touchy Feely Some creepy pervert has stumbled onto Newgrounds with a strange 'touching' habit. Despite popular belief, Nene will not just let just anyone get her hands on her. Nene Interactive Suicide (1999), Pico's School (1999) Nene is notorious for her sexuality. She was dipected with herpes in Nene Interactive Suicide and Pico's School.
Nene's Story Part 3: I Think Nene Was There Too It's time to view the notorious defeat of Convict from another perspective. Was Pico the real hero? Pico vs. Convict (2006) In Pico vs. Convict, Pico and Nene fought against the shapeshifting villain, convict. Convict used Nene's form as they fought. In the end, Pico accidently killed Nene, who he thought was Convict.
Nene's Story Ending Unable to deal with the pressure of being ruler of the portal, Nene committed suicide gruesomely within days of her victory. Employing a sneaky coverup, Convict was able to assume Nene's form and take her place, waiting the right time the crumble Newgrounds from the inside, out. Nene Interactive Suicide (1999), Pico vs. Convict (2006) The ending depicts Nene's room, retaining its design in Nene Interactive Suicide. One of the ways Nene could kill herself was by hanging herself as she throws the rope around her neck upwards towards a fan. In Pico vs. Convict, Convict takes over Nene's form. He also tricks Pico into shooting the real Nene while retaining her form.
Gun Powerup Nene throws two knifes at her opponent. The Perfect Murder (2004) The Perfect Murder was the first flash animation to depict Nene using knifes.

Indie Game Battle

Nene has a cameo appearance in Indie Game Battle. She appears as an alternate color for Pico. The costume gives him lighter skin, black hair, a pink shirt, pink shoes, and light pink pants.


Characters PicoNeneDarnellCassandraPenilian
Locations Pico's SchoolNene's Store
Items Medicinal HerbGun
Crossovers Pico vs Bear (1999) • Newgrounds Rumble (2007) • Meat Boy (map pack) (2008) • Indie Game Battle (2015) Friday Night Funkin' (2020) • Guppy's Quest (TBA)
Crossover Entries Pico's School: Love Conquers All (2021)
Cameos FDA (1999) • Disorderly (2003) • Madness Project Nexus 2 (2021)