Crossover History Wikia
“Ugh. I don't even want to touch that!”

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"It is only a matter of time until the people of earth forget about their gods. When that day comes, the gods will abandon them and we will take control."
— Penilian, Samurai Asshole, (Video Game)

Penilians are characters from the Pico series. A hostile alien species, they have the ability to shapeshift into different forms. During the events of Pico's School, they were the perpetrators of the school shooting. They plan to conquer Earth and to torture humanity.


Penilians are beings that have existed since Samurai Asshole's time period. Two Penilians observed Samurai Asshole's rampage against the religious leaders. As he boarded a spaceship, one Penilian expressed surprised that humanity created a machine for space travel, and proposes that they attack Earth. The other Penilian disagrees, as Earth is being protected by gods, and they are too weak to fight against them. As the gods will protect the humans as long as they believe in them, their intent is to attack when the human's faith wains. The other Penilian asks if they should kill Samurai Asshole, the other states that it isn't necessary, as Samurai Asshole is of no importance when they invade.

In the year 2000, a Penilian named Cassandra invaded Earth and disguised herself as a human. In a plan to take over Earth, she attended Pico's School undercover. Cassandra became the leader of the Goth Punks, a group of goth teenagers who felt that they were treated as outcasts by the rest of the school. Taking note of their nonconformist ideals, Cassandra convinced them to enact revenge against the other students by carrying out a school shooting. She began the attack by killing her teacher and classmates in her homeroom, leaving only a boy named Pico alive. Pico grabs a gun and defends himself against Cassandra's henchmen before facing her in the teacher's lounge. As Pico confronts her, Cassandra kills the rest of the Goth Punks and transforms into her Penilian form. Ultimately, Cassandra is killed by Pico.

In the cancelled Pico 2, the Penilians sought revenge against Pico for foiling their schemes. A week after the school shooting, they deployed the Ghettobots, a trio of cyborgs, to attack Pico. Sent by spaceship by the aliens, they were shot down by Darnell and his friends. As the Ghettobots exit the destroyed ship, Darnell's friends try to intimidate them into paying a "protection fee". The Ghettobots refuse, and in response, they attack Darnell, punching him so hard that he is thrown in the air. As Darnell relays the information to Pico the next day at school, he deduces that they were sent by the Penilians, and requests Darnell to train him.

Although Pico 2 was never completed, the outcome of Pico's fight against the Ghettobots is explained in the video game UFA. Pico had gained control of the Ghettobots and ruled the world. However, he dies of old age in the year 2100. With Earth losing its only protector, the Penilians prepare for a second attack. The player takes control of a Penilian, being guided by two others. As they invade Earth, they attack a nearby city, where they kill and abduct the human population. The humans they capture are subjected to anal probing for the sole purpose of humiliation. Afterward, they go to the Grand Canyon, where they put their extraterrestrial pet Magyar for comfort. They feed a group of humans to it in order to care for it. After taking care of the Magyar, the Penilians explain that they have no other missions to give to the player. They explain that Earth's population is beginning to build defenses to protect themselves against the Penilians, and they must devise a way to destroy them.

Samurai Asshole (Video Game)

Two Penilians make an appearance in Samurai Asshole. After his master accidentally chokes to death while visiting a group of religious leaders, Samurai Asshole goes on a rampage. He kills the leaders' Temple Guards, and then boards a mushroom-shaped spaceship. As the ship flies through space, he is unknowingly being watched by two Penilians. While they express amazement that humans have accomplished space travel so early in their lifetime, they hold off on invading Earth as their weapons are too weak. As one Penilian proposes to kill Samurai Asshole, the other alien states that he is of no significance to their plan.


A Penilian makes a cameo appearance in the fourth episode Taint of Love. It can be seen in a bathroom stall, having sex with a human.

Newgrounds Rumble

Cassandra, in her Penilian form, makes a cameo appearance in Newgrounds Rumble. She appears in the background of the Pico's School stage, grabbing onto the ruins of the school.

Characters PicoNeneDarnellCassandraPenilian
Locations Pico's SchoolNene's Store
Items Medicinal HerbGun
Crossovers Pico vs Bear (1999) • Newgrounds Rumble (2007) • Meat Boy (map pack) (2008) • Indie Game Battle (2015) Friday Night Funkin' (2020) • Guppy's Quest (TBA)
Crossover Entries Pico's School: Love Conquers All (2021)
Cameos FDA (1999) • Disorderly (2003) • Madness Project Nexus 2 (2021)