Crossover History Wikia

Piconjo Manor[]

Piconjo Manor is an Arena in Newgrounds Rumble. It contains three towers connected by three boards. While it is an original location, it contains a reference to the Piconjo series. Many of the jokes in Piconjo's flash animations are centered around crudely drawn penises. The flag in the center tower that has a penis design on it. Piconjo Jam #3 and Piconjo Jam #5, for example both contain penis jokes, with Pico urinating on Nene or Pico fighting Tricky with his penis. In Piconjo: BERSERK, Piconjo increases his penis size to attack Wadolf, when it it blocked by LegendaryFrog.

Action/Event Description Reference Origin
Penis emblem The middle tower has a flag with a penis emblem A frequent joke in the Piconjo series is about poorly drawn penises. The first time it was featured was in Piconjo Jam #3, in which Pico urinates on Nene. Piconjo Jam #3 (2004)