Crossover History Wikia
“Ugh. I don't even want to touch that!”

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SALAND FINDLES[1], also known as saland figers omg[2] and Jerry Jackson - Salad Fingers Tribute [3], is a crossover between the Salad Fingers and Jerry Jackson series. It is the first episode of the Jerry Jackson series.

The episode was first released on Newgrounds in 2005. In this episode, Jerry Jackson creates a short flash animation that is a homage to the Salad Fingers series, with Jerry attempting to tell a story about the day in the life of Salad Fingers.


saland figers omg is presented as a nonsensical cartoon created in-universe by Jerry Jackson. Jerry explains in the introduction that this is a tribute to the Salad Fingers series. Salad Fingers appears on screen, explaining the basic plot of a Salad Fingers episode. He tells the viewer that he lives in a house, has long fingers, and engages in unsettling behavior. A dog approaches Salad Fingers, which he then touches, comparing the sensation to the feeling of getting a paper cut. Enjoying the feeling, he invites the dog to play chess with him. When the scene shifts to Salad Fingers playing chess with a cat, the chessboard is engulfed by a blue monster, which Jerry points out and laughs about. Salad Fingers then goes to his washing machine and discovers that he is out of washing powder. He drives to the shop, where he meets up with Hubert Cumberdale. Jerry briefly interrupts the animation and announces that he created the cartoon. Salad Fingers and Hubert Cumberdale discuss their favorite shampoo. Naparm Man, a previously unintroduced character states that "It is meal time in forty countries." Salad Fingers is then arrested for being frightening, which he apologizes for. Jerry finally informs the audience that he created another animation about his dog Ben, who has a crane.


Prior to his work on Salad Fingers, creator David Firth had a small audience, and attempted to gain more exposure by submitting his work to other websites. One such website was Audiogalaxy, As he submitted his work, he attracted the attention of a fellow user named Last_User, a Linkin Park fan who disapproved of Firth's work so strongly that he would send him disparaging private messages. He would make fun of Last_User by reading his messages out loud in a monotone voice.

Following the release of the first Salad Fingers cartoon on Newgrounds, Firth took notice of different Salad Fingers parodies that were being uploaded to the site, such as Banana Fingers and Zalad FingerZ. As a joke, he decided to create his own parody under a alias, using the voice mock Last_User, and see if anyone who notice that it was actually him.[4] As people were unaware that Firth was the creator of the short, the original upload for saland figers omg received such a low score that it was blammed, or removed from the website. He was able to reupload the short after contacting Newgrounds administrators.[5]

Series Represented

Series Description
Jerry Jackson Jerry Jackson appears as a major character. Ben makes a cameo appearance.
Salad Fingers Salad Fingers appears as a major character. Hubert Cumberdale makes a minor appearance.

References to the Jerry Jackson Series

  • At the end of saland figers omg, Jerry Jackson explains that his dog Ben has a crane. This is a reference to the second episode of Jerry Jackson, "a dog named BEN". Jerry Jackson begins the episode by explaining to Ben that he owns a crane and uses it to drive over buildings. The episode was released after saland figers omg.

References to the Salad Fingers series

  • The Barren Wasteland and Salad Fingers' house make appearances in the beginning of saland figers omg, which are the main settings in the Salad Fingers series.
  • When Salad Fingers touches the dog, he says that it "Your willy, it feels like papercuts on my hand. I right like that." This is a reference to Salad Fingers' fascination with rusted metal. He enjoys the feeling when rubbing his fingers against corroded obejects, which was first shown in the Salad Fingers episode Spoons.
  • When Hubert Cumberdale first talks to Salad Fingers, rough black lines appear around him. In the Salad Fingers episode Friends, Salad Fingers hallucinates seeing Hubert Cumberdale in a Meat Locker. As he talks to him Hubert Cumberdale screams, having scratchy lines appear from his mouth. These lines appear in saland figers omg when Hubert Cumberdale tells Salad Fingers what he has bought from the store.


Salad Fingers
Characters Salad FingersHubert Cumberdale
Locations The Meat Locker
Items Rusty Spoons
Crossovers saland figers omg (2005) • Newgrounds Rumble (2007) • Indie Game Battle (2015, Canceled) • The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls Requiem (2023) • Guppy's Quest (TBA)
Character Interactions Salad Fingers/Character Interactions
Jerry Jackson
Characters Jerry JacksonJonMinor Characters
Crossovers saland figers omg (2005) • Jerry Jackson's FM (2015)