Crossover History Wikia

Tyrant Piconjo is a challenge in Newgrounds Rumble. The player controls Tankman and must defeat a Giant Piconjo on The Portal. Alien Hominid and Pico appear as Tankman's allies. The description is a reference to the Piconjo Jam series, as well as Piconjo's 192 flash movies submitted between 2004 and 2008.

Action/Event Description Reference Origin
Challenger Description Piconjo is terrorizing the portal again, submitting 5-second Flash animations and flailing his genitals in public. A team of do-gooders have been dispatched to clean up the mess. Piconjo is known for submitting poorly animated animations at a rapid pace. Many of them, starting with Piconjo Jam #3 include penis jokes. Piconjo Jam #3 (2004)