Colonel Sanders-At age 65, armed with nothing more than determination, a bucket of chicken and a secret recipe, Colonel Harland Sanders started KFC and had the whole universe lickin' its fingers a few years later. His reputation as a force to be reckoned with makes him a natural when it comes to showing the Dark Side who's boss. Any Battle Droid messing with the Colonel had better watch out, because this time, he's serving up a bucket full of pain.
Pizza Hut Girl-Finally, at the ripe age of 23, she discovered her true calling - a position where her love for pizza and mastery of Tae Kwon Do collide. Now she's out to share a little of her immense knowledge on the Dark Side. And if they don't back off, a couple Sith Lords are gonna get a home delivery of suffering with extra agony.
The Chihuahua-A true dog of the people, the Chihuahua has tirelessly devoted his life to one thing - the pursuit of tacos. This kind of dedication has allowed him to heighten his natural skills of navigation, negotiation and general deviousness. Now he is putting his considerable talents to work fighting the ultimate evil in the universe. Because, he rationalizes, when the universe is free, the tacos are free. In the meantime, he's confident he'll get that Jedi mind trick to work eventually.