Crossover History Wikia

Shana-Flame Haze of Alastor. Her mission is to destroy the Crimson Denizens, who feed on humans. She wields Nietono no Shana and loves melon bread.

Asuna-The sub-leader of the Knights of the Blood, the strongest guild in Aincrad. Her nickname is "The Flash" due to her speed with her rapier, Lambent Light. Kirito is her boyfriend.

Mikoto-A student at Tokiwadai Junior High School, she's an Electromaster who has earned the nickname "Railgun". She's one of only 7 high-powered espers (Level 5) in Academy City.

Kirino-An 8th grade overachiever, she's beautiful, smart and athletic... but she has a twisted interest in R-rated video games. She has a cold relationship with her brother, Kyosuke.

Shizuo-A debt collector who dresses like a bartender. He hates violence, but when he loses his temper, he's the strongest man in Ikebukuro. Flying vending machines are a clue that he's around.

Kuroyukihime-The Umezato Jr. High student council V.P. She's nicknamed Kuroyukihime, or "Snow Black", because of her beauty. Her Brain Burst avatar is known as Black Lotus, and she is Legion Master of the Nega Nebulas.

Akira-Fierce Hakkyoku-ken fighter on a journey to become the strongest warrior in the world. He longs to find a worthy opponent, and he's never been seen without his trusty hachimaki.

Tomoka-A basketball ace at Keishin Academy. Her mother does traditional dance and her father is a tea master, so her manners are naturally impeccable. But when she starts to play basketball...

Kirito-A legendary Sword Art Online player known as the "The Black Swordsman". With his duel-wielding sword style, he was the first to clear SAO. Asuna is his girlfriend, and Suguha is his younger sister.

Miyuki-The younger sister of the Shiba siblings, and the top in her freshman class. She's one of the "Blooms", and her specialty is Cold Magic.

Her one weak point is her rather extreme brother complex.

Taiga-Although adorable, her rather unpleasant personality has earned her the nickname “Palm-top Tiger". Even though she acts tough, she's actually quite clumsy, and a bit of a crybaby.

Yukina-A Sword Shaman sent from the Lion King organization to observe the Fourth Progenitor. An underclassman of Kojyo's, she uses a lance called Sekkarou that can destroy even an elder vampire.

Rentaro-A Promoter at the Civil Security Corp., he fights the Gastrea parasites along with the Initiator, Enju. He's crazy about bugs, and is called "Sad Face" by those around him.

Selvaria-One of the Drei Stern, she has sworn absolute loyalty to Maximilian. The blood of the Valkyria flows in her veins, and with her shield and lance, her military power rivals that of an entire army.