Crossover History Wikia

Woody-Woody is the rootin'est tootin'est cowboy in the City. He wrangles enemies with his lasso and empowers his allies with his leadership abilities.

Buzz Lightyear-Buzz Lightyear is a heroic space ranger with real laser action and, falling with style. He controls enemies on the field with his anti-gravity bubbles.

Jessie-Jessie the yodeling cowgirl tears up the battlefield and the dance floor with her line dancing moves and Sonic Yodel.

Rex-This anxiety ridden T-Rex toy slaps enemies and runs through the battlefield when he gets overwhelmed.

Zurg-Emperor Zurg blasts enemies with his Ion Blaster and intimidates them with his evil laugh.

Duke Caboom-Daredevil extraordinaire Duke Caboom uses his motorcycle to zoom through enemies.

Ducky & Bunny-Plush buddies Ducky and Bunny bring chaos to the field with their teamwork based attacks.

Slinky-Slinky Dog stretches his way into battle. Beware of his loud bark, spring-loaded force field, and back half.

Hamm-This piggy is ready to get on the battlefield and knock back those who would dare cross not only him, but the evil Dr. Porkchop.