Elsa-Elsa has spent most of her life hiding from the world, afraid of the power that grows within her. Be wary of getting too close to her - when threatened, she may just let her powers go!
Timon-Don't underestimate this wisecracking meerkat! Timon may be small, but he nimbly scampers around his opponents. With his best friend Pumbaa, they take down enemies so that they can get back to their carefree life.
Moana-As the future chief of Motunui, Moana defends her homeland with everything she has, from confronting demigods to facing off against volcanic beasts. With the ocean her guardian, this tenacious warrior makes a splash on the battlefield!
Bing Bong-This jolly imaginary friend brings joy and fun into the heat of battle, filling his teammates with energy and cheer. Bing Bong will do his best to make his friends' dreams come true, whether it be going to the moon or winning a match!
Buzz Lightyear-Buzz Lightyear to the rescue! Space Ranger Buzz Lightyear defends the Galactic Alliance from the clutches of Emperor Zurg, shooting down evil with his laser beams.
Eve-This Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator is dedicated and decisive when it comes to her mission! She'll do whatever it takes to ensure victory for her teammates.
Frozone-After finally finding his supersuit, Frozone races in to save the day! He will freeze you in place before he defeats you with an icy blast!
Jasmine-The princess of the majestic land of Agrabah graces the arena with her wit, fending off numerous enemies with her combat skills. With her beloved pet tiger Rajah at her side, she's exploring a whole new world of battle!
The Manticore-Modern conveniences erased the need for magic and turned The Manticore into a practical business woman overwhelmed by the daily routine of running a small business. With reignited passion for adventure, The Manticore returns to the battlefield!
Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey-Chores, brooms, and water galore! Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey's mischief has created even more chaos to clean up. With the help of his Broomsticks, help him clean up the mess!
Mulan-Swift as a coursing river, Mulan dances around the battlefield striking her opponents with the force of a hurricane, As she finished her enemies off with her fiery strength, she honors us all!
Ralph-When you build them up, he breaks them down! The Master Wrecker, who has a soft spot for his close friends, is unrivaled in destroying everything in his path. Crash into the arena with him and obliterate all your enemies!