Crossover History Wikia

Twilight Sparkle-All the ponies in this town are crazy!

Granny Smith-What did you call me, sonny?

Cutie Crusade Companions-We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

On a quest to find out who we are.

And we will never stop the journey.

Not until we have our cutie marks.

Time Turner-An earth pony that takes care of all things timey-wimey.

Spitfire-I'm... hanging... with the... Wonderbolts!

Lyra-I love them.

Nightmare Moon-Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever.

Applejack-Soup's on, everypony!

Ditzy Doo-Accidentally went north to get the southern birds!

Big McIntosh-Yup!

Queen Chrysalis-This day is going to be perfect.

Zecora-Beware! Beware!

Fluttershy-Really. I'm just good with animals. It's my special gift, you know.

DJ Pon-3-Lets get this party started!

Cheerilee-Ponyville's favorite teacher!

Bonbon-Beloved earth pony!

Rarity-Rarity... is ready!

Rainbow Dash-I'd never leave my friends hanging!

Pinkie Pie-Smile! Smile! Smile!

Princess Luna-As always, I will guard the night.

Rainbow Dash Fashion-BEST. ITEM. EVER!

Princess Luna Fashion-A warm welcome to you.

Fluttershy Fashion-I'd like to be a tree.

Pinkie Pie Fashion-More balloons! No, that's too many balloons. More candy! No, less candy. Ooh! I know! Streamers!

Twilight Sparkle Fashion-It's the perfect color and so hip.

Princess Celestia Fashion-I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that you look awesome!

Spike the Dragon Fashion-Spike want!!!

Applejack Fashion-I was right all along!

Rarity Fashion-Nice is an understatement, I look fabulous!

Spike-The dragon is the finest creature ever! There's more to it than just guarding treasure

Gummy-Don't worry! He's got no teeth.

Opalescence-Rarity's precious cuddly wuddly pet~

Tank-Who's the number one, greatest, perfectest pet, in the world for me!

Parasprites-UGH! A parasprite?! Are you kidding?! Now I need to find a trombone...

Philomena-Princess Celestia's pet phoenix.

Winona-The best herder in all of Equestria!


Twilight Sparkle Plushie-The most faithful student.

Princess Luna PLushie-OH MOST WONDERFUL OF...

Fluttershy Plushie-*inhales*... yay.

Rarity Plush-It. Is. On.

Princess Celestia Plush-Gotcha

Pinkie Pie Plush-Okey-dokey-lokey!

Spike the Dragon Plush-Loyal assistant to Princess Twilight Sparkle

Rainbow Dash Plush-Aww, yeah!

Applejack Plush-YEE-HAW!

Princess Cekestia Shirts-Shirts that a princess can wear!

Rainbow Dash Shirts-20% more cooler.

Spike the Dragon Shirts-I don't know about you, but I'm gonna be nappin'

Applejack Shirts-Well, color me pleased as punch.

Princess Luna Shirts-Who goes there?

Rarity Shirts-I love it!

Fluttershy Shirts-Um, excuse me.

Pinkie Pie Shirts-Hey, you know what this calls for? A party!

Twilight Sparkle Shirts-Shirts? I've read several books on the subject.

Golden Oaks Library-Twilight Sparkle's resident.

Carousel Boutique-Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique.

Sugarcube Corner-Pinkie Pie's sweet resident!
