Dexter-In addition to being the smartest student at Huber Elementary School, Dexter has a secret laboratory hidden in his bedroom that even his parents don't know about!
Dee Dee-Dee Dee discovered her brother's secret laboratory years ago, and always manages to find a way in-- no matter what precautions he takes! What starts out as innocent fun often ends up destroying Dexter's machines and ruining his experiments!
Courage-Abandoned as a puppy, Courage was found by Muriel. Despite his cowardly nature, Courage is fiercely loyal to Muriel and will often live up to his name if her life is in danger.
Muriel-Kindly Muriel lives in the middle of Nowhere with her husband, Eustace. Her trusting, sweet nature often makes her a target for villains and monsters.
Cow-Cow is in the 2nd grade. When she dons her green cape and purple suit, she becomes Super Cow, defender of justice and speaker of Spanish!
Chicken-Chicken is in the 6th grade. Although he is often annoyed by his tag-along sister, he will always stick up for her in an emergency. His best friends are Flem and Earl.
Justice Friends-Led by Major Glory, this international super-hero team includes the Infraggable Krunk, Val Hallen, Miss Spell, and Ya-Man, among many others!
Bloo-Created by Mac when he was three years old, Blooregard Q. Kazoo is a trouble-making and mischievous imaginary friend (although he often claims himself as "The best imaginary friend ever"). He is currently a resident of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
Lazlo-Lazlo is an energetic and optimistic Bean Scout at Camp Kidney. Originally from Brazil, Lazlo is fluent in Spanish, English, Korean, French, Japanese, Swedish, and Chinese!
Mojo Jojo-The same Chemical-X that created the Powerpuff Girls mutated Mojo Jojo and turned him into their greatest enemy!