Solaire of Astrora-Even as an Undead duck, the jovial Solaire of Astora is determined to complete his quest through the collapsing world of Lordran to find his very own sun.
Marty McFly-Whilst travelling from 1985 to 2015 to preserve his future once again, Marty McFly finds himself transformed into a duck!
Tess-As Joel’s partner in crime and the brains in their operations, we’re surprised to find out that Tess has been infected by a unique strain of the cordyceps, which has mutated her into a duck.
Beeteljuice-Quack quack, Betelguese may have been transformed into a duck but it’s better to be safe than sorry and not underestimate his prankster ways.
Joel-The world of The Last of Us sure does look dreary. You can only admire Joel in his efforts to survive it, even after being transformed into a duck
Chucky Scarred-What’s scarier than a serial killer doll? A serial killer doll… duck!
Ellie-“After all we’ve been through…Everything that I’ve done, it can’t be for nothing.” In the world of The Last of Us, it’s safe to say that Ellie is an incredibly capable survivor and even as a duck, she’s still ready to take on new threats.
Harley Quinn-‘POW! BOOM! BLAM! QUACK!’ Harley Quinn makes the jump from Arkham Asylum to the Arkham ponds!
Legolas-‘One pond to rule them all…’ The Elven member of the Fellowship of the Ring has traded his arrows for wings!
Kazuma Kiryu-The Dragon of Dojima steps forward with a bicycle in hand, ready to take down any enemy that comes his way!
Carrie-Carrie has had enough, she’s heading to the duck pond to see if the ducks treat her better than her so called friends at high school. Surely life as a cosplaying duck has to be better? Clearly not, she finds herself splattered in blood anyway, naughty ducks.
Scorpion-Scorpion has been reborn… as a TUBBZ cosplaying duck. You’ll still recognise him with kunai spear in hand, wearing the yellow ninja suit – he will look awesome in your collection. He’s got beef with Sub Zero, so tensions could run high in the pond.
Uruk-Hai Pikeman-A brutal warrior, Uruk-Hai Pikeman, is now a brutal duck and has left Middle Earth and is heading to your collection.
Sarumen-Something festers in the heart of the duck pond. Here comes Saruman as a cosplaying collectable, complete with staff and Palantir.
Samwise Gamgee-Samwise Gamgee is on a new adventure, he’s back in the TUBBZ Collection as a Boxed Edition.
Pippin-I’m here to look after you. Pippin Took has made it as a cosplaying duck and promises to look after his fellow pond mates.