Dracula-Do not toil in grasping the depths of this demon's intentions. It is futile. Dracula is-simply and profoundly-horrific. And he makes no apologies in being so. Do not waste your thoughts on the wonder of his existence. To do so is petty. Only a fool wonders at their impending death. To him, you are not special. You are not a potential companion. You are not even a worthy adversary. To Dracula, you are simply food.
Frankenstein's Monster-He has no name of his own. No identity. No sense of belonging. He is only linked to his creator the morally afflicted Dr. Frankenstein. The eight-foot tall, hideous creation has tried-and failed-to integrate himself into society. All who have seen him have shunned him. His ambition now shifts from attaining acceptance to seeking revenge. He has the strength of a bull combined with the rage of a child. He lost his affinity for life and no one standing in his way will be spared.
Wolf Man-Wolf Man is a force of cunning rage, a beast of nightmares realized. This monstrous terror was once locked away inside a human host, released only by the light of a full moon. Not any more. The Wolf Man has mastered the confines of his curse and now roams free and can appear at will. Fueled by bloodlust and the craft of the hunt, the world's most feared werewolf in on the loose, stalking his next victim.
The Mummy-There is a tale of a man who lost his wealth, his illustrious status and his life for for the sake of inseparable yet forbidden love. That tale was told long ago. It will not be told here. Instead there is a darker story. It is one of revenge, abomination, death, and The Mummy. The revenge is his, and the death he seeks is yours.